Chapter 17

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"He's coming...."

Aria pov~

"What do you mean he's coming? Who is coming?" Blake questions with his concerned expression.

All I can do is hand Blake the letter to read. This guy is psycho!! Is this what the prochecy meant by "The superior ones will attack." Is this our war? But Vincent is supposed to be a rogue, how did he get a pack. Is it even called a pack? I can feel Blake's emotions through the mate bond. Mostly Anger, Confusion and Hatred. I look up to see that Blake's eyes were changing to those bright neon green, belonging to his wolf. He grabs my hand saying "We have to tell Xavier." Then he pulls me out the door.

Blake pov~

I was reading the note and getting more furious by the second. How dare Vincent think he can take my mate away from me. This is War!! I will die before I let him touch a hair on mates head. How did he even get up here? How the hell did Vincent A ROGUE manage to slip past so many wolves, and NOT GET CAUGHT!! I grab Aria's hand telling her We have to talk to Xavier and pull her out the door.

I mind-link Xavier telling him to meet me in his office.

"Is it important?" He asks. I can tell he was sleeping.

"Yes!! Now!!" I command in my True Alpha Tone. I let my wolf slip out for a second there. I reeled him back in the most that I can.

We reach the office and sit down, Xavier walks in 2 seconds behind us.

"Sorry I Alpha commanded you I'm just on edge."

"It's alright, I realized it has to be really important for you to let your wolf slip out. Now what's going on?" He says, sitting behind his desk.

I hand him the note. Aria and I watch his face ready to see his expression. It instantly turns to a angry contorted face. He gripped the desk and then looked up at us.

"I just mind-linked the guards and Damion and Nick to meet me in my office. Aria when did you find this note?" He asks still breathing heavily.

"Umm when I walked into the room. I was taking my jewelry off by my dresser and the I noticed a envelope on my nightstand. I know I cleaned my nightstand off because Blake hates too much clutter." She explained.

Just then the men walked in, some with there pajama pants on, and others shirtless, with their pajama pants on.

Aria Pov~

The guys walked in looking groggy. Xavier definitely woke them up. They stood in a line in front of his desk. Xavier got up and walked up to them, his face straight.

"Men, I was just aware of the fact you were not doing your jobs properly! Aria found this threatening note on her bedside table in her ROOM!! What I want to know is how ALL OF YOU DID NOT NOTICE A ROGUE ENTER THE PACK HOUSE! Not only did this rogue, being Vincent enter, he got all the way up to the top floor, past security!! EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!!" Xavier boomed through the room.

Good thing this room is soundproof or else everyone would have awoken.

Nick was the first brave soul to speak up.

"Alpha I double checked with everyone, no one saw Vincent at all. He must have climbed through the window. But even then I don't know how he got past patrol."

"Alpha if he got past this many men and a whole house full of wolves without being noticed, who knows what he can do." Matthew says.

Xavier just looked away and huffed realizing he had to trust his men because they have never failed him before. "Okay. We have to double our patrols and I will talk to Miranda (our pack scientist) to see if she can sweep the room for any trace of him." He says. Everyone nods and Matthew says "Do you want me to inform Miranda Alpha?"

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