- S e v e n t y f i v e -

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Maddie: "I don't why you stay around me."

Billie: "Are you joking? There are so many reasons why I stay around you."

Maddie: "Well yeah I know, but I don't know. I feel like I'm always taking a toll on your life because I'm always sad."

Billie: "You're not taking a toll on my life, because you're part of my life, a big part. I stick around because you mean so much to me and I don't know where I would be mentally."

I smiled at her and hugged her again. 

Billie: "Let's go to bed, you have to leave in the morning."

Maddie: "I'm not even packed." I admit to her.

Billie: "Please tell me you're joking."

Maddie: "I really fucking wish I was."

Billie: "Why aren't you packed?"

Maddie: "Because my life is falling apart."

Billie looked at me.

Maddie: "No, I just didn't have time."

Billie: "We have to be at the airport by 7:15 which means we have to leave at 5, which that also means that we have to wake up at like 4."

Maddie: "I'm sorry."

She rubbed my back.

Maddie: "You can go to sleep while I pack and everything."

Billie: "If you think that I'm letting you pull an all-nighter by yourself in your dark ass, scary ass apartment. You are very wrong."

I smiled at her, she leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

Maddie: "Ugh whatever."

I lace our fingers together and I walk into my glam room, all the lights were off even though I was laying in there an hour ago. I was laying in the dark. 

I looked at the suitcase on the floor, then I looked at Billie, then I looked back at the suitcase and rolled my eyes.

Billie: "It's not going to pack itself."

Maddie: "I know that babygirl."

She smiled at me, I walked away from her. But she pulled me back to her with her hand that was still in mine, my arm wrapped around her waist. While her free hand was on my lower back, she was staring into my eyes. While I looked back at her, she let go of my hand and stroked my cheek and I melted into her touch.

Billie: "I love you." She kissed the top of my head.

Maddie: "I love you too." 

I sat down on the floor and unzipped the suitcase, I walked to the closet and grabbed the looks I needed for San Diego.

Billie: "What are you doing in San Diego?"

Maddie: "Shoots, meetings, carpets, interviews."

Billie: "Man you really can't catch a break."

Maddie: "I need a hobby dude."

Billie: "What do you mean?"

Maddie: "I'm either working or sleeping, I do nothing else."

Billie: "You read."

Maddie: "I haven't read in two weeks."

Billie: "Read on the plane."

Maddie: "I can't, I have to edit the YouTube video that I haven't filmed."

Billie looked at me while I was concentrated on folding clothes.

Maddie: "You can not blame me for not filming, I have no time to do anything."

Billie: "I know."

Billie looked down at the ground before she inhaled.

Billie: "I have a question."

Maddie: "Okay."

Billie: "If I didn't come over tonight, were you going to shut me out... again?"

I looked at her and then I looked down again.

Maddie: "I didn't plan on it, I never planned on shutting you out. It just happened, have you noticed that I'm the root to every single problem that we have? I find that hilarious."

Billie looked at me, I can see the pity in her eyes. Which caused me to roll my eyes. 

Billie: "You're not the root."

Maddie: "Back that up."

Billie looked at me.

Maddie: "Explain to me how I haven't caused every single problem in this relationship."

Billie knows I'm right.

Maddie: "Exactly."

Billie didn't know what to say.

Billie: "You might hate me after what I'm about to say."

Maddie: "I could never hate you, but proceed."

Billie: "You're not the reason for all the problems, which I don't even look at them as in if they are problems. They're... situations where I can come love you when you need it." She smiled "You're past has created you, into what you are now. I don't know this for sure, but in your last relationship. You got away with shutting people and not talking to people for days, but with me that's not gonna fly because you're my biggest priority. If you're not good, I'm not good because I'm worrying about why you're not good." 

I looked down, what she said was right and what she said about me was true.

Billie: "I don't think you've ever been loved in a relationship, you don't know how someone is supposed to treat someone that they love. Which the fact that you have never been loved, boggles my mind because I just don't understand who couldn't love you. I'm not just saying that because we're together, like you're so fucking fire and talented. You're smart too, which not a lot of people are. Basically, what I'm getting at is that you're new to this. I feel like you know how to love someone, you know how to accept love. But you don't know how to accept love."

How does this bitch know me so well? 

Maddie: "I don't know, I busted my ass to show someone that I loved them so that they never questioned my loyalty. But then... I don't know."

I looked down so she couldn't see me cry.

Billie: "You shouldn't have to bust your ass off to show someone that you love them." She said softly.

Maddie: "Do you feel loved?" 

I nodded.

Maddie: "You do a really good job of making me feel that way."

Billie: "What way?" She smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

Maddie: "I mean it depends what we're talking about."

Billie: "How do I make you feel overall?" She got serious again.

Maddie: "You make me happy to wake up in the morning, you make me want to do what I do. That's a lot of pressure to put on you, but you make me all tingly and bubbly. You make me soft, I love being affectionate and lovey with you. I love being around you, I don't know, you're special. You make me feel a way that I have never felt before." I shrugged and smiled. 


y'all ready to find out what happened with Nicole?

thanks ily

words: 1086

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