- O N E H U N D R E D -

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Nicole: "What do you mean?"

Maddie: "Billie cheated on me, kinda I guess I don't know."

Nicole: "Huh?"

Maddie: "Billie has to go to dance because she's fucking crippled and she doesn't wanna hurt herself again on tour, but the dance instructor has a daughter that Billie's just so mesmerized by. Billie had the temptation to kiss her, she wanted to kiss her. And this would happen right after I told her everything. And I mean fucking everything. Family and all, and she still fucking did me wrong after she promised me she wouldn't."

Nicole: "Are you sad, mad, what? I'm not defending her because she did do you wrong, but she didn't cheat on you, you're the reason she didn't kiss her."

Maddie: "I'm fucking pissed because she lied to my face! She said nothing happened when something did."

Nicole: "How did you find out?"

Maddie: "Through the twins sort of, we both at the same place at the same but neither of us knew that we were there."

Nicole: "Did you feel like something was up?"

Maddie: "Yes and I told her that, she promised me that nothing happened and she wouldn't do something like that. I took her to San Fran with me, because she said that she would do anything to prove that she didn't cheat. I got her involved with my shitty ass family bro, I hate myself for that, I should've never taken her with me."

Nicole: "You brought her to San Fran when you went?"

Maddie: "Yeah. I did, Billie told me that the girl tried to kiss her but she backed away immediately. But then tonight I find out that's not the way it went down.

Nicole: "Mad's I'm so sorry, no one deserves that, even though I put you through it, you know that I hate myself for it and I never should've done it."

Maddie: "Why did you though?"

Nicole: "Alexis, she's a fucking nut job and I couldn't stop her. After awhile I just started doing it willingly hopefully to get her off my ass. But after we came to L.A. I was really down for you."

Maddie: "I know."

I hate that I told Billie everything, I really do. I told her EVERYTHING what the fuck is wrong with my dumbass.

Nicole: "Did you break up with her?"

Maddie: "Not formally."

Nicole: "What do you mean?''

Maddie: "She calls me shorty, and I said she can call me Maddie because I'm not her shorty anymore."

Nicole grabbed her chest in a joking way.

Nicole: "Damn that hurt me."

She always knew how to make me laugh.

Nicole: "Come on, let's watch a movie or something and take your mind off of it."

Maddie: "You have no clue how down I am for that."

She laced our hands together and walked us to the couch, she sat down and I sat right by her. I rested my head on her shoulder as she rested her head on mine, she kept our hands connected while she was stroking my thumb up and down in a comforting way.

It's bothering me that I wish Billie was the one comforting me, but what happens when the person you go to for everything, fucks up your entire trust? Who am I supposed to go to?

I have no clue what was playing, all I know is it's a Netflix Original. She scooted closer to me, there was a little gap in between us, but she filled it. For the first time ever, I feel like her intentions are genuine. She's only caring for me because I have no one right now.

I tried so hard to focus on the movie, but I just couldn't. My thoughts are loud as fuck and I can't not hear them, Nicole sat up and patted her lap telling me to lay down. I gladly took the invitation, I laid my head down in her lap and she started playing with my hair. Everything that she has done tonight, reminds me of Billie. But shit, at this point I gotta get over her. I don't know if I can forgive what she did. I don't care that she cheated or whatever, she didn't really cheat I guess. I'm more mad at the fact she lied to me. It's just the fact that she knows that I've been through and she knows how I've been treated and the she treats me the same way.

Nicole: "How'd it go at your families house?"

Maddie: "Horrible."

Nicole: "What do you mean?"

Maddie: "Lexis."

Nicole: "She hit on Billie?"

Maddie: "I guess, I don't know. She said that I was the reason that my mom was dead, then I said that at least my mom wasn't ashamed to have me. I'm going to hell for that one."

Nicole: "Most definitely." She joked and I smiled at her.

Nicole: "There's your pretty smile."

I smiled at her again and moved closer to her.

Billie's POV:

This is bullshit dude, she didn't even try to hear me out. I understand that she's mad as fuck at me right now and she has every right to be, but like when she hurt me, I heard her out. She swore that I'd hate her ass, but I still love her even though she walked out of my life.

I looked at my phone to check the time, and my lock screen is Maddie. I groaned knowing that I fucked up, I'm not mad. I'm pissed at myself, what she said got to me. If I was really ever in love with her I wouldn't have had the temptation. I shouldn't have had the temptation, that's not right. I hate the fact that I did have the temptation, I know she didn't have the temptation to kiss Nicole when they met awhile ago. Nicole. Fuck. this her time to shine. But I'll get Maddie back, trust me.

I was driving home, and I realized with Maddie's trauma and trust issues. She might never look at me the same, or she might never even talk to me again.

The sadness has now hit me, I'm fucking sobbing. But it's hella late so I gotta be quiet until I got into my room, once I got up there it was fucking horrible.

I looked at my desk, and I see my tour schedule. It was attached to a clipboard with other tour shit underneath. I threw the clipboard across the room. so don't wanna go on this tour, this is fucking bullshit. I barely have time to fix this.

I sat in the corner of my room, in the dark. I brought my knees up to my chest and let out the softest sobs I could without waking my whole house. I heard my door open, It was Finneas.

Finneas: "What happened Bil?"

Billie: "She- She broke up with me."

Finneas: "You told her?"

I shook my head.

Finneas: "How did she find out?"

Billie: "Through me."

Finneas looked at me because I'm not being descriptive enough.

Billie: "I went to the twins and she was there, she heard what I said to the twins and then she said that she wasn't my shorty anymore."

Finneas: "That must've hurt."

Billie: "You're telling me, do you think that I'mma get her back?" I ask, nervous for the answer.


y'all been waiting for this one.

thanks ily lots.

words: 1238.

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