- O n e h u n d r e d & s e v e n t e e n -

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I had my journal with me too, I started to write down what I wanted to do towards the end of tour and when I get back. I meant it when I said I want a house and a dog, I meant it when I said I want a Tesla. These are materialistic things, but I genuinely feel like they would make my life easier.


makeup artist is here, come back please.


Read at 1:09.PM

I packed up my bag and I started walking back to the studio. I walked in the door and nothing's changed, everyone's still moving shit. I walked in and the first person I see is Kenzie talking to what appears to be the makeup artist.

Kenzie: "This is Kayla, your makeup artist for today."

Kayla: "We can get started whenever."

Maddie "Okay, what room are we going to be in?"

Kenzie: "Room four, is cleaned out now."

Maddie: "Okay."

I walked into the room that they told us to go into, and I noticed that the makeup artist doesn't have her stuff set up. I sit in the chair and run my hands through my hair, they told me not to let the stress get to me. But it's getting to me.

I was sitting there scrolling through my phone, looking at my emails. Nothing really interesting, I'm trying to book myself out as much as I can before tour. To make sure that I have a steady following.

The makeup artist was bringing every piece of makeup she owned in the room I swear dude.

Kayla: "Okay, I'm ready now."

My phone dinged.


yo im here come let me in.


Read at 2:12PM

I ran out the door and rushed down the stairs, I opened the door to see Billie standing there with the biggest smile on her face. I opened the door and I hugged her, my face was buried in her shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around my lower back and her head was rested on top of mine.

She kissed the top of my head "I missed you too shorty."

I pulled away and looked at her, I was on the verge of tears and of course she could tell.

Billie: "What's wrong?"

Maddie: "Today's been shitty, I'm just glad you're here."

Billie: "Aw, I'm glad I'm here too. I'm giving you your gift tonight."

Maddie: "You're coming over tonight?"

Billie: "Of course, we gotta celebrate." She bit her lip.

Maddie: "Girl, I'm already tired." I laughed at her, I locked our hands together and I pulled her in the building. We walked up the stairs holding hands, she sat on the vanity, and I sat in the chair.

Kayla: "There you are, let's get started."

I relaxed in the chair and she started doing my makeup, I was scrolling on my phone most of the time. But I look up to see Billie staring intently at me.

Maddie: "What?" I laughed at her.

Billie: "Nothing I'm just proud of you."

I smiled at her, "Why are you sitting up there? I can't see myself."

Billie: "Because I wanted to see you before you saw yourself, if that makes sense."

Maddie: "It doesn't but whatever, you do you babygirl."

Every time I called her babygirl, this smile always appeared on her face. Like even before I told her the backstory, she always had a pure smile.

Maddie: "Bil, can I ask you something?"

Billie: "Of course."

Maddie: "How come every time I call you babygirl, you always get that smile that melts my heart."

I could tell she had to think about it for a second, probably about how to word it.

Billie: "Because, I have never been called something like that by someone that I love the way that I love you. Yeah, I've been called like baby or babe in past relationships, but then it was just a name. But when you call me babygirl. Something clicks in my mind, it's like I don't know. I guess you're the first girl that I've ever loved and being called that by you is like everything to me."

Maddie: "I'm getting my makeup done, don't make me cry."

Billie: "I'm sorry shorty." She playfully shrugged it off.

Maddie: "Billie."

She looked at me.

Maddie: "I love you."

Billie: "I love you too."

After about 45 minutes of me getting my hair and makeup done, they were finally ready for me to change into my collection. The photographer is supposed to be here in like 30 minutes since we were already behind schedule, I pulled out my phone to look at myself. I looked good, I really liked the way I looked.

I see the people come out with the collection and they hand it to me, I was so excited to get this done and over with.

Maddie: "You're about to see me in action."

Billie: "Can't wait."

Billie's POV:

I was sitting in the chair behind the camera, waiting for Maddie. They literally handed her a two piece set and somehow she still takes forever to get ready. I heard her walk back into the room and my eyes were immediately drawn to her flawless skin. The way she walked dude, oh my god. The way the bottoms were set to frame her curves. Everything about Maddie was perfect, everything was playing in slow motion.

I didn't notice my mouth was open until she walked over to me and lifted my chin to close my mouth, for some reason I was hella intimidating.

Maddie: "We don't want a fly in there do we?" She said in a baby voice, does she know what affect she has on me right now? I was sitting there watching her getting ready for the shoot, she walked back over to me and asked me to hold her phone.

Maddie: "Will you hold my phone?"

I put my hand out for her phone and she placed her phone in my hand, so I was going to take full advantage of this moment and I opened her camera and started taking hella pictures. I'm not selfish, so I took some of her too.

I was sitting in the chair spinning around every now and then, my phone started ringing. I showed Maddie that my phone was ringing and I excused myself from the room.

Billie: "Hello?"

Finneas: "Hey, I know you're with Maddie at the biggest shoot of her life having an amazing time and I hate to ruin it but..."


when i say my life is falling apart 😙✌🏼

thanks ily

words: 1104.

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