↯chapter twenty: CONFESSIONS↯

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〘 chapter xx: CONFESSIONS〙

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〘 chapter xx: CONFESSIONS〙

Harry was going to talk to Hermione first

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Harry was going to talk to Hermione first. Not because he didn't think Ron wouldn't understand but because... Even if Hermione didn't understand at least she would be calm about it and not completly dramatic and aghast like Ron might be. Problem was, the three of them were always together. How was Harry supposed to talk to Hermione without Ron being there?

Turns out, he didnt have to try to separate them.

"God this is a bore." Ron said with a groan. The trio were currently sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room. Hermione was reading a book and Harry was sitting on the floor, doing some homework at the coffee table. Ron on the other hand was just watching them, bored out of his mind.

"Why don't you finish your homework. I know you have some." Hermione said.

"I'd rather choke." Hermione snorted.

"That's rather dramatic of you." Ron sighed and stood up.

"I'm just gonna go watch Ginny's Quidditch practice." Ron said. "It's got to be more entertaining than this."

"Sorry we're a snore." Harry said, continuing to scratch away at the parchment with his quill. Honestly, he wished he could just use regular pens and paper. Ron left the two of them alone and Harry tried to act as nonchalant as possible now that they were alone. He kept giving side glanced to the other Gryffindors around the room, wondering if they might try to listen in to them but nobody seemed to be paying attention. Harry took a deep breath.

"Hermione can I tell you something?"

"Of course Harry." Hermione said looking at him as she set her book down in her lap, still open. Harry pursed his lips, stood and took Ron's seat next to her on the couch. Harry decided not to waste time. He decided just to say it.

"I'm bisexual." Harry said and as soon as the words left his mouth he felt a lot better. What surprised him though was how Hermione just looked back down at her book and said,

"I know."

"W-what do you mean you know? How could you have known! I just barely realized myself."

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