Chapter 25 ~ Well there's one piece of the puzzle

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Isla's POV

The dreaded day has finally come. Today I must return to school. I've haven't been to school since the day Luke saved me from the three jocks on the football team. The last time I was in this school, my parents were still alive, Kaira was my best friend and Luke hadn't made out with Chelsea. To say that I am nervous would be a really big understatement.

Over the past week, I have spent a lot of time with Nick and Hayden. Luke has also been coming around more, and I think the guys have slowly started to rebuild their friendship with him. I don't know if it will ever go back to what it once was, but at least it is getting better. None of us have talked to Kaira since the day she came home from the hospital. Luke has been the only one who has been going to school since he still lives with Beth and she won't let him stay home. He told us that Kaira and Chelsea are now best friends, and Nick and Hayden have lost their 'bad boy' status due to being friends with me. Kaira had run back to school and told everyone that they were living with me because I was paying them to sleep with me.

Supposedly Luke was trying to do damage control, but Kaira and Chelsea convince everyone that Nick, Hayden, and I were blackmailing Luke to be friends with us. I feel bad for Hayden and Nick. They've gone from the 'bad boys' to the 'freaks' who hang out with the 'school's slut'. Neither of them seems to be bothered by their new titles. If anything, they seem happier. They both said that they're happy they won't have to worry about Chelsea and her barbie army coming on to them. They think they're out of the limelight but because they still hang out with me, they'll still draw attention.

For the most part, the past week has been pretty good. Isabelle and Isaac are finally home with us again. Besides stressing about returning to school, I also can't seem to get a blonde hair, blue-eyed boy out of my head. I didn't tell the guys about Killian. All three of them are in overprotected mode with me right now, and I didn't need them worrying about someone I will probably never see again. I do hope to see Killian again though, but I doubt I ever will. We pull up to hell I mean school and all four of us seem very nervous.

Luke decided he wanted to ride with us to school, so he stayed the night last night. Nick wasn't too happy about it at first but agreed to it after I made him chocolate chip cookies. Yep, food is the way to a man's heart and a way to get to what I want. After sitting in the car for what seems like forever, we slowly make our way to class. Due to me being in the hospital, Hayden was somehow able to talk the principal into getting all four of us switched into the same classes. Yes, he was even kind to get Luke's schedule changed too.

Our new schedule:

1st: History

2nd: Math

3rd: Art (Yep, I'm no longer a library assistant and the boy's drop athletic)

1st Lunch

4th: Science

5th: English

6th: Gym/Music

We make our way to the first period. Nick and I take our regular seat with Hayden and Luke taking the two in front of us. I am basically trapped against the window with the three guys blocking me from everyone else. People are staring at us, but not as many as I expected because there is other news going around school. It seems that two new students will be joining our grade. We rarely get new students without it being the beginning of the school year, so having two students join at the end of October is a big deal, especially with them being seniors.

The four of us are sitting in our seats trying to ignore everyone else when one of the guys from the basketball team, Vic, walks over to Nick and throws all his stuff on the floor. "Freak. I hope the slut is paying you enough since you lost your title as one of the 'bad boys'," he laughs loudly.

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