Chapter 15

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There she was stood outside, I quickly finished the drink I had and caught the bartenders eye. Then realising that I had no idea what she drank and told him to hold off.

Her smile growing larger as she stepped toward me. "Hello stranger." I said standing up from the bar stool. Leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek as she approached me.

"Hi. Shall we go and find somewhere a little more private?" She asked with a glint in her eye.

"So soon?" I ask in mock shock.

"A table for two!" She responded as she hit me on the arm. Classic flirtation sign, right there.

"Oh, my bad." I raise my eyebrows and head for a cosier setting elsewhere. As we sit, I order myself another beer and a rum and coke for Chelsea.

"Rum and coke? Very exotic."

"Well, what can I say. I'm an exotic girl. So how did you find it today?"

I couldn't help myself. "Well I thought your lips were very soft and overall the kiss was above average."

A felt a swift kick against my shin from underneath the table. "I was talking about your appearance. Anyway, what do you mean average?"

"Oh, right. Gotcha." I smirk which was fortunately returned back to me. "It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, some of the girls were strange and it's weird because I actually recognised some of them from my likes and comments. So a bit surreal at times."

Chelsea thanks the waiter as he places our drinks down in front of us. "I can imagine. Do you find it difficult living in the public eye?"

"Not really. I'm not that big compared to the celebrities who have millions of followers so I can still go shopping, walk the streets and grab a beer without being recognised. Which is nice. I do struggle with it at times but at the end of the day, it pays my bills and leaves me with enough left to enjoy my life so I can't complain too much."

"That's fair. We'll I think I'm your number one fan. Wouldn't you agree?" She throws a cheeky smile as her teeth bite the end of her plastic straw.

"To be decided. You seem alright now but what are you like after a few drinks. You could be a murderer for all I know."

"I could be and a really good one seeing as I'm still walking the streets."

I pull my glass closer before picking it up and taking a sip, our eye contact game is strong as neither of us break contact as we drink. There's clearly some sexual chemistry between us, I can't deny that.

"How did you find Brad?"

I roll my eyes. "Is he always that....intense?"

Chelsea shook her head. "I've never seen him like that before. It was so strange to witness and so awkward at times. I felt embarrassed for you. I do not know what got into him today."

"He did freak me out. He was too helpful and overly nice. I don't like overly nice, it can come across as fake. He didn't say anything about catching us, did he?"

She shook her head as she took another sip from her straw. "No, we kinda left it unsaid. He's a good manager. He lets me get away with quite a bit."

"Oh. So this isn't the first time you've been caught in awkward positions with customers is it?"

She laughs. "Noooo and technically you're not a customer." She sticks her tongue out towards me as she replies.

"Can I ask a question?"

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