DIY Sequin Bracelet

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You’ll need:

8 inches of strung sequins

12 inches of 0.5m elastic cord

12 inches of embroidery floss


needle or pin                   

1)Cut 12 inches of elastic cord and tie a double knot at the end.

2)There’s a quick and easy shortcut for adding sequins rather than threading them on one at a time. Pull a bunch of sequins off the strand. Keep the sequins in place between the pads of the index finger and thumb. Thread the elastic cord through the sequins.

3)Continue stringing on sequins, in any pattern, using the same method. Wrap the strung sequins around the wrist to check for size – remember to account for the bracelet stretching. Knot the elastic cord into a double knot and pull tightly to tighten. Trim the ends.

4)Cut the embroidery floss into a few 2 inch pieces. Fold them in half over the knot. Take another 2 inch strand and tie the floss together into a double knot at the top.

5)Trim the ends. Use a needle to comb through and unravel the floss. Trim the tassel .

P.S. I prefer using flat sequins versus faceted sequins for this particular tutorial.

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