Kate The Chaser

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Appearance: It is unknown what happened to her, but she now seems feral and wears a mask and has a black substance around her eyes and mouth with very pale skin, possibly due to residing in the mines. Her hoodie and hands are also heavily stained with blood; it is unknown whose blood it is. It appears that her eyes are very sensitive to light. She gets dazed when Lauren concentrates her flashlight's beam towards her face. She also appears to snarl and growl.

Powers & Abilities: Enhanced Speed & Effective Hunting Skills


- She is very sensitive to light.

- She was created by Blue Isle Studios for the video game Slender: the Arrival.

- Kate's last name is either Milens or Hayes. Her email is "kmilens@bserv.adv.co", that could mean Kate Milens. Also her mother's name is Beth Hayes. However, it could also mean that Beth is possibly her stepmother.

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