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The ride to the Fuentes' house was mostly quiet on mine and Vic's part. Mike however was talking away at a rapid speed about Harry Potter. I don't know how he got onto that subject, but I just sat in the backseat and nodded on, pretending to pay attention. Eventually Vic stopped in the driveway of a two story house. It was a nice looking house, the kind you would see on an average suburban street. The guys got out of the car and so did I, following them across the front yard. When we were in the house I was hit with a sense of warmth. It wasn't like a change in temperature, but this house had a warm, homey kind of feel to it. It was the complete opposite from my cold one.

"Victor, Michael! How was school?" A short lady came out of nowhere and hugged both Mike and Vic.

"It's was fine, Mom." Vic said and kissed his Mom on the cheek before running up the stairs. Hmm, imagine that, Vic is a mommy's boy. I bet he wouldn't want everyone at school to know that.

"I only got one detention today!" Mike said with excitement in his voice.

"Mikey you better straighten up and fly right or so help me I'll have you moving in with your grandmother in Maryland!" The lady snapped. "Who is your friend?" She turned to me with a warm smile.

"This is Kellin." Mike said. I smiled down at the lady.

"You are too skinny, child. Are you staying for dinner?" She asked.

"Oh uh," I glanced at Mike quickly. "No, I'm not."

"Yeah he is." He gave me a small smile. I hadn't said anything was wrong, but I guess he could tell that I was trying really hard to avoid going home.

"Good. I'll fatten you up nice and good. Now go on, go and play with your toys or whatever it is you do." She said and shooed us away. Mike and I walked up the stairs and went in the first door on the right. His room was actually exactly what I expected. It was messy and the walls were lined with posters of Harry Potter, random rock bands and rappers.

"Sorry about her. She can be kind of full on." Mike said.

"No it's okay. I like her." I said.

We sat on the ground for a few hours playing the game. I kind of sucked at it, like really bad, but Mike seemed happy about that because he kept winning.

"Hey, I'm, like, really sorry that Vic is such a dick." He randomly said while we played.

"It's not your fault." I said and stopped paying attention to the game. I was waiting for an opportunity to ask Mike this, I guess now is as good a time as any.

"So, uh, why is he such a dick? Like why is everyone so scared of him at school?" I asked. I looked over at Mike, hoping that I hadn't crossed over some line, but he didn't look phased at all. He continued playing the game.

"Hmm, well it's not my place to tell you why he's such a dick, but everyone's scared at him because they all think he put some kid in hospital. When we first came to this high school a couple of years ago Vic got involved with Jaime and Tony and they got up to all sorts of shady shit. Then one night, I actually have no idea exactly what happened, but it involved Jaime, Tony, Vic and Sammy, the guy that got put in the hospital. All I know is that the next day Jaime and Tony, who usually ran the show, took a step back and Vic stepped forward as the kind of leader. They did everything he said. People started putting two and two together and guessed that Vic hurt the kid, so everyone stayed out of his way and were too scared to stand up to him. I guess the power got to his head." He finished.

"And did he hurt the guy?" I asked cautiously.

"He's never talked about that night. I don't think he did, but I don't know anymore. He's changed a lot these past couple of years. I just, I don't know. He used to be just like me; happy all the time, nice, upbeat, positive, but now he's...different." He said sadly. I suddenly regretted even bringing it up. I couldn't think of anything to say. For some reason I desperately wanted to know the thing that Mike couldn't tell me, but I didn't ask again. It wasn't my right to know. I don't even know why I wanted to know anyway. I should want nothing to do with Vic.

Shortly after our conversation his Mom called us down for dinner and we had Tacos. I've never had any real friends so having dinner with them and their parents was completely unfamiliar territory. Mike's mom and dad were really nice and I felt comfortable around them quickly. I don't think Vic said a single word to me the entire night though, not that I expected him or wanted him to. He was kind of brooding and not giving up his tough guy act. Although, whenever he talked to his parents he seemed like a normal, decent teenager. I guess he has them fooled.

"Thank you for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes, it was great, but I should get going now." I said. It had just passed 8:30PM so I figured it would be safe to go home.

"It was a pleasure having you, honey. You're welcome back any time. Victor, give Kellin a ride home." Their mom ordered Vic.

"Oh, no, no. I can walk. I don't live very far away." I protested quickly.

"Nonsense. Vic, take the boy." She demanded.

"Mom he said he doesn't need a ride." Vic said, rolling his eyes.

"Kellin I will not have you walking home alone, and Victor you will drive him home, got it?" She said fiercely. I just nodded my head quickly in fear of her. I looked at Vic who just looked annoyed.

"Fine." Vic said, getting up from the table. "Come on."

He left the table quickly and I looked at Mike, hoping that he would come with us.

"Sorry, dude. I have chores to do." He said. I suppose that means an awkward ride home with Vic then.

"That's okay. Thanks for tonight." I said.

"Anytime." He said and smiled.

I thanked Mr and Mrs Fuentes again before leaving the house. I was greeted by the cool air as I walked towards Vic who was leaning against his car. The car was black and I'm not sure what type of car it was but it looked like one of those really cool retro ones from the 70's or 80's. When Vic saw me approaching him he stood up straight in his usual intimidating stance.

"What happens in that house stays in that house, got it?" Vic demanded.

"What, are you worried everyone will find out you're a mommy's boy?" I teased. He didn't see the funny side of it though. In fact he didn't take me teasing him very well at all. He took a few steps towards me until we were only a few inches apart. I wanted to take a step back, but I didn't.

"I heard you and Mike talking about me. You know what I could do to you, so I'd think twice before getting on my bad side again because trust me, you don't want to see me mad. Now get in the car." He snarled. The temptation to say "make me" was strong, but I pushed the remark away because he looked like he was serious about the threat. For a second there I considered walking home, but Vic would probably run me over with his car or something, and in all honesty I was a little afraid of his mom, so I got in the car and so began a 3 minute silent drive to my house. I kept glancing at him every now and again half because I was afraid he'd do something stupid and half because I was trying to figure out what could have happened to him for him to be such a dick all the time.

"Stop looking at me." He said.

I looked out the window quickly and blushed because I got caught.

"I wasn't looking at you." I said and folded my arms across my chest defensively.

He didn't speak of it any more. After what felt like 3 hours rather than 3 minutes, we got to my house. I was about to say 'thank you' and make my escape, but when I looked at my house again I saw my pissed off looking father storming out of it. Fuck, I thought he'd be passed out by now!

"Kellin!" He shouted.

"Oh shit." I whispered and hesitated before unbuckling the seatbelt.

"Problem?" Vic asked. I looked at him quickly with a fake smile which I had nearly perfected.

"Nope. It's fine. You should go, like now." I said. I got out of the car without another word and ran around to the other side and towards the house.

"Where the fuck have you been?" My dad yelled at me.

"Just with a friend. I'm sorry." I said. Apologizing was always my go to move, even if I had nothing to apologize about. There wasn't really much point in trying to explain myself though because I know that no matter what, I'm going to get hurt tonight. My Dad proved my own point when he grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the house. His grip tightened as he got angrier.

"Hey!" Vic shouted from the car. My Dad turned around, flinging me with him. "Is there a problem here?" Vic's usually intimidating self was walking towards us. Ugh, what is he doing? Why didn't he just leave when I asked him to?

"Oh hey Kellin, who's your boyfriend?" My Dad pestered. I almost laughed at how ridiculous that notion was.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's just a guy from school." I explained with a red face.

"I'll ask you again, is there a problem here?" Vic asked, glaring at my Dad. If I was receiving that look I'd probably be cowering on the ground in a ball.

"No, no problem here." My Dad said and he let go of me. I went to rub my arm but thought twice and let the pain subside by itself.

"Kellin?" Vic turned his attention to me. I looked from him, to my Dad and then down at the ground, avoiding both of their eye contacts.

"It's fine." I lied. "Just go now."

I guess Vic didn't really care that much because a minute later his car started up again and he was racing down the road. I looked back up at my Dad. He was standing in front of me with rage filled eyes. Within the privacy of our darkened front yard he slapped me across the face, hard. My head flung to the side and my hand went to the now reddening cheek.

"Go to your room and don't let me see you for the rest of the night." He growled.

I was shocked that he was letting me off with just a slap, but I wasn't willing to hang around and question him about it. I ran off to my room and shut and locked the door before he could change his mind.

It's Harder Breathing Next To You // KELLICWhere stories live. Discover now