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"I'm close." I gasped. I was pinned against the door of the janitor's closet and Vic was having his fun with me. He stroked me faster and I tangled my fingers in his hair and kissed him. The kisses were replaced by me moaning. Oh fuck, what is it about hand-jobs at school which is so fucking hot?

"Vic." I groaned. "A-almost there. Oh shit." I said and he chuckled. He was enjoying doing this to me. I was so close, all it would have taken was a few more strokes and I'd be done, but no, there was a knock at the door. Vic and I froze in our place. Here I was, up against a door with my legs wrapped around Vic. He was fully clothed but I was in nothing but my boxers which had been pushed down. Panic rose in me.

"Who's in there?" The strong, tough voice of the football coach yelled from the other side.

"Shit." Vic whispered. My scared eyes looked back at his as the door knob jiggled. Vic had it locked though. He set me down on my feet and I started to gather my clothes.

"Open this door this instant!" The coach's voice bellowed.

"Crap, I've got to open the door or he'll get the attention of students." Vic whispered I just nodded in fear as he pushed me to one of the walls. I clutched my clothes to my chest. I didn't know what to do to be honest. We were about to get found out.

"Just trust me. Meet me at my car." He whispered and pecked my lips. He smiled before going to the door and opening it. I stood behind it so I wouldn't be seen.

"Fuentes? I'm going to level with you here. I know what I heard so you and the girl, come with me." I heard the coach say. Who's he calling a girl?! I have a penis which by the way is quite fucking apparent right now.

"Oh, her? Uh yeah, she's kind of naked right now so I wouldn't want a teacher seeing her, 'cause you know, there would be a law suit and all." Vic said. Wow he's good at manipulating people. I looked down at myself. Why have I not put on any clothes and how the hell are we going to get out of this situation? We can't. It's over. We're going to get caught and the whole school will know about it.

"Oh hey, what's that?" Vic asked. I wish I could see what was going on. A second later I heard footsteps running away and the coach yelling. What the hell just happened? I cautiously poked my head around the corner of the door but Vic wasn't there. I looked out into the hallway. I saw Vic running down the hall holding the coach's hat with the coach chasing after him. I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly threw my clothes back on and got out of there before anyone came back.

I ran down the hallway and out the big double doors which led to the parking lot. I left the school and made my way to Vic's car so I could wait for him. I didn't even care that I was skipping school. I was so used to it by now. It had been just over a whole week since Vic and I had sex and we haven't had any more problems since then. In fact, our relationship just keeps getting stronger even though we haven't had sex again. Most days Vic and I would skip the last couple of periods to go back to his place and just hang out, not do anything really, just like watch a movie or play video games. One day Tony, Jaime and Mike skipped too and we had our first real band practice together with my lyrics and it went really well. We even got a reply from a record company who said they liked our stuff but wanted to us to send them more, so last weekend we tracked another song and sent it to them.

I sat on the hood of Vic's car with a stupid grin on my face because I was thinking about how great life has gotten. Although, home life isn't exactly the best. Since my dad doesn't have a job he gets angry a lot, but I found out that Joanne works as a stripper during the day, so apparently that's where my dad goes during the day now- to a strip club. He would always come back happy though, so it was fine by me.

I saw Vic running up to me, still with the hat in his hand. He threw it to the ground when he got to me and embraced me in a hug, kissing me. I kissed him back, surprised at how daring he was being out in public. No one was around though so it was okay.

"I missed you." He said when his lips left mine.

"It's been five minutes." I pointed out.

"Five minutes too long. Come on, let's get out of here" He said. He let go of me and went around to the other side of his car. I hopped off of his car and got in the passenger side. As soon as I did, his lips were on mine again.

"Stop it and drive." I said with a ridiculously girly giggle. He kissed me one more time before sitting back in his seat properly and starting up the car. The whole drive there I kept staring at him which made him glance at me every now and again and tell me to stop it. I couldn't help it though. I love watching him when he's driving. He always gets these adorable looks of concentration whenever he had to do something like change lanes or whatever. He looked so lost in his thoughts sometimes too.

"That was pretty close back there, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, too close. We might have to tone it down a bit at school." He said.

"Or a lot. We wouldn't want your precious reputation to get ruined now, would we?" I asked. I didn't expect an answer though because I was being sarcastic.

"I know you don't get it, but my rep is, like, important. I like the power." He said. I sighed, dropping the subject. Sometimes I wish he didn't care so much about his stupid reputation. He was still so mean to people at school and I knew how afraid he was of people finding out he's gay. I on the other hand have always been hated by the school so it didn't matter to me either way if anyone found out.

"Okay, we're here now. You can stop admiring my hotness." He said when he pulled into the driveway of his house.

"Never!" I said dramatically.

"You're such a loser." He teased and got out of the car. I frowned and followed him out and across the lawn to the house. His parents were at their jobs, so like usual it was just the two of us. I for one was eager to finish what we started in the janitor's closet. I took his hand and ran up the stairs with him two at a time. I took him into his room and shut the door. I turned around and practically jumped into his arms, kissing him. He grinned into the kiss and we fell back onto the bed together. I hooked my legs around his waist and pushed into him.

"You know you left me hanging back there." I said, our lips and noses brushing together.

"You? What about me? I didn't even get started." He said. He held on to both of my hands and pinned them to the bed.

"Well I can't do anything about it if you don't give me my hands back." I said. He just smirked at me and held them tighter. He lowered his face and kissed me while grinding our growing hard-ons together. I was still so worked up from earlier I didn't think I was going to last very long. Judging by his heavy breathing I think he was feeling the same.

"Take them off." I begged him. I needed some skin to skin contact, but instead I was trapped inside my jeans. Either way, it still felt fucking good. He didn't listen to my pleas, he never does. He kept doing what he was doing, both of us were actually. I arched my back up every time he rocked into me. He kissed from my lips, to my jaw, to my neck and back to my lips again. I decided to take control because I knew I was close but he wasn't giving me what I wanted. Why? Because the fucking bastard likes to tease me. So without any warning I flipped us over so I was on top.

"You're so mean sometimes." I complained.

"You love it." He said, biting his lip. I undid his jeans and he did the same to me, finally playing fairly. We both shuffled our jeans down and wrapped our hands around each other members. I moaned instantly and lowered myself to kiss him. We stroked each other up and down quicker while we kissed slowly. I knew it wouldn't last long though.

"H-hate to d-disappoint, but I-" Oh fuck I couldn't get a word out. I was just so damn sensitive today.

"I'm right there with you." He said in a deeper than normal voice.

"Mm, fuck." I groaned. Our breathing quickened up and so did our speed. Finally we were both thrusting our hips together as we climaxed. I felt dizzy for a moment and collapsed on top of him, burying my face into his neck. I felt his chest below me rising and falling rapidly as he came down from the high too.

"I will never get sick of this." I breathed, placing a small kiss on his neck before rolling off of him onto my back. I sighed before doing my pants back up.

"Neither will I, but I'm kind of running out of shirts." He said. I glanced at the mess on his shirt and laughed as he took it off and threw it to the floor.

"Don't laugh at me." He ordered. We rolled towards each other so we were facing each other. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same to him. He smiled at me before kissing me. I was a short, simple kiss, yet the butterflies were still there. They were always there.

"You're perfect, you know that right?" He asked. I shook my head and rested it on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat.

"I'm anything but perfect." I mumbled. He brought one of his hands up and played with my hair. Usually it would annoy me, but when he does it it doesn't.

"You're perfect to me." He said.

"You're delusional." I countered.

"Delusionally happy." He said. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Me too." I said. I was absent-mindedly drawing little shapes on his stomach and every now and again he would shiver and his skin would get goosebumps. I loved noticing these little things about him. We were silent for the rest of the afternoon, just laying there together in complete peace. I may have drifted off to sleep a couple of times, not that Vic minded. I kept apologizing to him but he said I looked like a "cute little angel" when I slept.

The perfect afternoon came to an end though when we heard Mike enter the house. I groaned against Vic's chest. Mike's home which means school is over which means my dad will be expecting me.

"I don't wanna go." I whined. I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at Vic. He gave me a sad smile.

"I don't want you to either, but I'd rather you go home than your dad be mad at you." He said. He was right. It didn't make leaving him any easier though. I smiled at him before kissing him and pulling away again. We both got up and fixed ourselves up a little bit before walking out of his room. I said a quick 'hi' and 'bye' to Mike before we left. The short ride home was one filled with joking around like idiots and then it was time for my least favorite part of the day; kissing him goodbye. It was a quick kiss because we didn't want anyone to see us and think anything was going on.

"Bye." I said.

"See you tomorrow, beautiful." He said, making me blush. I smiled before getting out of the car and walking to my house. When I walked in through the hallway I saw my dad in his usual spot on the couch. I didn't say anything though. I walked past him to my room and just when I was about to walk into it there was a knock on the front door. Could that be Vic? No, if it were him he'd go to my window.

"I got it." I called out to my dad and walked back down the hall. I opened the door, honestly expecting a sales person or someone like that, but no, it wasn't.

"Jenna?" I asked the blonde Australian standing in front of me. What would she be doing here? I barely know her.

"Hi Kellin, I think we need to have a little chat about your boyfriend."

It's Harder Breathing Next To You // KELLICWhere stories live. Discover now