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"And this will be your room." Vic said, opening up a door to a room I hadn't been in before. We just had dinner and now Vic was showing me around. I walked into the room which was kind of small and only had a bed in it, but it was just a spare bedroom so I didn't expect anything else, not that I needed anything else. Vic's parents were so kind to me. They welcomed me into their house with open arms. It was a foreign feeling really, for parents to accept me. It was strange, but I liked it.

Vic and I ended up getting back to normal during the end of the week. Vic ended up telling me that he never told me he was still in contact with Beau because he didn't want me to freak out and be the jealous boyfriend, but clearly that backfired on him. But now it was forgotten and we were better than ever. I wasn't going to let an ex-boyfriend get in the way of our happiness. He's dating me right now, not Beau, and that's all that matters.

"Sorry it's not, like, more interesting." Vic snapped me out of my thoughts. I dropped my overnight bag next to the bed and turned back to Vic.

"No, it's perfect." I said with a smile. He smiled back and came over to me, taking my face in his hands and kissing me.

"You're perfect." He muttered against my lips, making me blush. He was so smooth sometimes.

"Stop it." I grinned and pushed him away. I know it sounds girly, but my heart fluttered every time he kissed me, or even so much as looked at me for that matter. I tried so hard to take a step back and not fall for him so quickly, but it's really difficult. I mean, it's too soon to be in love but I just feel like I'm on the right track.

"I tried to get my parents to let us share a room. I told them that I'm 18 and I can do what I want, but my mom was like 'but Kellin's a minor'." He mocked his mother's voice making me laugh at how girly it sounded.

"Hey, I'm only a year and two months younger than you. Don't make it sound worse than it is." I said with a pout. I already seem so much younger than I really am, I don't want to make it worse.

"Yeah I know, it doesn't matter. It's not like we're going to, you know, do anything." He teased. "Not because of lack of trying though." He added, pulling me towards him again. He placed his lips on mine again and let his hands wander to my hips. He pushed me towards the bed and I fell back on it. This wasn't the first time this week that he tried to make me go further with him. Yet every time I'd have a mini panic attack or make up some excuse and push him away because I was nervous or something. This time I didn't have any time to be nervous though because there was a knock on the open door.

"No more of that, boys." Vic's mom's voice came from the doorway. Vic sighed but pushed himself off of me at sat up. I sat up too, fixed my shirt and looked up at her uncomfortably.

"Alright, I'm going to set some ground rules." Mrs. Fuentes said. Vic and I glanced at each other. He just looked annoyed that she interrupted us.

"You can both hang out until 10 o'clock, but after that you go to your separate rooms until at least dawn. There will be no inappropriate activities under this roof. I'm talking to you here, Vic. Do not corrupt this poor child's mind." She said. I had to bite tongue to stop myself from laughing because of Vic's reactions. He looked so embarrassed, it was hilarious. "You will keep it G rated, understood?"

"Is that all?" Vic asked through gritted teeth. She stood there thinking for a while before she spoke again.

"Keep the doors unlocked." She ordered. She gave us one last stern look before walking out of the room. Vic groaned and fell back on the bed.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's fine. It was actually quite funny." I teased with a laugh.

"Sure, laugh at my misery." He said.

"Whatever." I said and stood up. I took both of his hands and pulled him up from the bed. "Let's go work on our music assignment."

"That doesn't sound like fun." Vic said, groaning in annoyance once more. I rolled my eyes and we walked out of the room. I took him down the hall and straight into his room. He let go of my hand and shut the door. He locked it too, earning a raised eyebrow from me.

"I thought your mom said to leave it unlocked." I said.

"Rules are made to be broken, babe." He smirked at me. I have a feeling there's something behind that smirk, like a lot behind that smirk. He wasn't going to make it easy for me to resist him and quite honestly I don't think I wanted to anymore.

"Umm, so, music assignment." I said, taking a USB out of my pocket. He had recorded his guitar parts and I recorded vocals earlier that week in music class, so now we just need to mix it on his laptop and touch up a few things here and there and we'd be done.

"Right." He said and walked over to his desk which had the laptop on it. I followed him over and he sat on the comfy looking computer chair before taking my hand and pulling me on top of him so I was sitting on his lap, with my back to his chest.

"See, school work can be fun." He grinned. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder. I giggled, yes, giggled, before opening the laptop and turning it on.

"Do you think we'll have enough time to finish it?" I asked. It was a little bit past 9 o'clock and I had to be out of there by 10 or fear the wrath of Vic's mom.

"Maybe. Depends if we get distracted or not." He said and lightly kissed the back of my neck.

"Stop that." I said and lightly hit his arm. He sighed and moved me around on his lap so I was sitting more on the left side so he could see the computer too. I opened up the internet and quickly went onto a website which would let me mix the music.

"Do you know what you're doing?" He asked.

"Yeah, I used to do this all the time back home, but with like, electronic beats and stuff because I can't play any instruments." I said.

Vic didn't know how to do any of this, but I was okay with that. I would teach him while we did it; and that's just what we did for the next half an hour. I taught him how to mix the two audio files we had and how to adjust it a bit so it sounded better. Finally, we were done and the song didn't sound half bad.

"You're really good at this. You never fail to amaze me with your talents." He said, pulling me back into his chest and kissing my neck. I relaxed against him, enjoying being in his arms.

"You're flattering me." I said.

"You deserve it." He said.

The mood totally changed. One second we were working on the assignment and the next he was leaving small kisses on my neck and one of his hands trailed down my body to my thigh, while the other one stayed securely around my waist. The hand at my thigh started moving up and down, getting closer and closer to the tightening in my pants.

"Vic, we shouldn't." I warned, but I didn't even want to accept my own words.

"Shh, just relax." He whispered. I did as I was told, kind of. I was nervous though. He went to the zip of my jeans and my hand instantly held his, stopping him.

"I just want to make you feel good, Kellin. I promise you won't regret it." He said, being his usual persuasive self. I took a deep breath and nodded, letting go of his hand. I felt him smile against my neck as he kissed it again, making me go weak. Right now I was his to do whatever he pleases with.

He unzipped my pants and he shuffled them down enough. My heart was beating erratically at whatever was going to happen next. His hand went over the bulge in my boxer shorts and he caressed it lightly, making my breathing hitch. I faintly heard him chuckle and I silently cursed myself for being so damn sensitive. He continued doing that, rubbing me up and down through the boxers while kissing my neck supposedly to calm me down, but it was having the opposite effect right now.

I closed my eyes and rested my head against his shoulder. I felt his hand move to the hem of the boxers and he slowly, warily, slipped his hand inside them. I groaned the second his hand touched me.

"Ssh, you gotta be quiet." He said and all I could do was nod.

He pushed my boxers out of the way before wrapping his hand around me and stroking up and down. The sensation of his touch was probably the best feeling ever. My skin was hot, my face was flushed and my breathing was all over the place. He continued the slow motion and I squirmed around on top of him.

"God, keep still." He scolded. I could feel his own erection below me and it was only getting harder every time I accidentally grinded against him.

"This feels so good." I admitted. I didn't realize how amazing it would feel to have someone doing this to me. It just made it ten times better knowing that person was Vic. He started flicking his wrist faster and I couldn't help the moans and whimpers escaping my throat. He kept shushing me, but it was uncontrollable. It got to the point where his free hand was covering my mouth. I didn't think I was that loud, but with his family in the surrounding rooms I guess I had to be quiet. I took his hand away from my mouth and held it as he continued.

"V-vic." I whispered but I couldn't say any more. I had a weird feeling in the depths of my stomach and I knew exactly what it was, so did he. He whispered something in my ear but I was too preoccupied to listen. The feeling got more and more intense. All it took was Vic biting my neck for me to finally let go. As if sensing that I was going to let out a cry, he put his hand over my mouth again as I reached my climax. If he wasn't holding me up I probably would have fallen to the ground. Instead I just melted against him. He kept fondling me as I came down from my high. I was breathing heavily and everything felt so...so...so fucking good.

"You okay?" Vic brought me out of my trance. He removed his hand and pulled my boxers back up properly. I nodded slowly and then I had the urge to make him feel as good as he made me feel. I sat forward and took off my ruined shirt and threw it to the ground. I turned half way around, took his face in my hands and crashed my lips to his. He kissed me back and when my hands travelled to his pants, he grabbed them, stopping me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's 10 o'clock." He said, his voice going raspy.

"So? We've already broken the rules. And I need to return the favor." I said. I went to kiss him, but he moved his head away.

"You don't need to do anything. I wanted to make you feel good. I don't want anything in return, besides, we're about to get a knock on the door in about five seconds." He said. I have to admit, I felt a bit rejected, but at the same time when he said I didn't have to do anything it let me know that he doesn't just care about the physical side. He could have easily just sat back and let me do things to him, but he didn't. A second later there was a knock at the door and Vic gave me his 'told you so' face.

"Boys, it's ten o- Why is this locked?" His mom said. The door handle jiggled.

"Just a second, mom." Vic shouted to her. I got off of him and I pulled my jeans up, doing them up again. I kicked my shirt behind the bed and Vic handed me one of his which I threw on quickly. We looked each other up and down making sure nothing was too obvious before opening the door.

"I was just leaving." I said to his mother who was giving us both a suspicious look.

"Yes, you were." She said strictly. I nodded and looked at Vic one last time before scurrying down the hallway and into the other room. I quickly gathered some more comfortable clothes to sleep in, which ended up just being boxer shorts (it's not like anyone was going to see me sleep), before going into the bathroom so I could have a shower. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. That was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I just hope it doesn't change things between us. Like, I was so afraid he would for some reason think negatively about it, but the look in his eyes afterwards told me otherwise.

I finished my shower and promptly got into bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly that night, not hearing another peep from Vic or the rest of his family. Screw this 10 o'clock rule.


I didn't know what time it was, I just knew it was dark, I was tired, and someone had woken me from my slumber. I was a very light sleeper so I heard the door open and close and someone walk in the room.

"W-what?" I croaked out.

"Shh, go back to sleep." Vic's angelic voice whispered. The weight on the bed shifted as he slipped under the covers, wrapping his arm around me. The skin to skin contact warmed my body up almost instantly. I rolled over to face him, lazily drooping my arm around his waist and resting the other on his bare chest.

"What time is it?" I asked, still not bothering to open my tired eyes.

"2am. I couldn't sleep knowing you were in the next room." He said. His voice didn't sound tired like mine so I briefly wondered if he slept at all.

"Mmk." Was all I mumbled and I nuzzled my nose into the crook of his neck. He held me tighter and I felt myself drifting back off to sleep.

It's Harder Breathing Next To You // KELLICWhere stories live. Discover now