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We were still naked and in bed, tangled in each other, hours after our little make-up session. I don't think either of us had any intention of moving anywhere any time soon. We were facing one another, holding each other as close as possible. We both had stupid grins on our faces and looks of adoration in our eyes. This perfect, beautiful, sexy human being in front of me is all mine and I don't think I'll ever get over that.

"So, what's been going on in the world of Vic lately?" I asked while lightly trailing my fingers along his chest.

"You tell me." He said. When I gave him a confused look he continued. "Because you are my world, so you should know."

I blushed and a shy smile tugged at my lips. "That was really cheesy."

"Only the best lines for you, snookums." He said. I gave him and odd look for a moment before we both fell into a fit of laughter.

"Snookums? No, never call me that again." I ordered. He rolled his eyes and just squeezed me tighter.

"I'll call you whatever I want to call you. Baby. Honey. Sweetie. Mine." He said, after the final name he kissed me. I moved my lips with his, sucking on his bottom lip. My hand wandered down his chest to his member, wrapping around it and stroking it slowly. His kissing rhythm faltered as he took in a sharp intake of air. I picked up my pace and his lips quivered, leaving mine.

"Round two?" He gasped. He didn't give me a chance to reply. He pushed me onto my back and took both of my wrists and pinned them to the bed on each side of my head. He wasted no time in attacking my lips and grinding his hips into me. "I want you, Kellin, so bad." I know he did, I could feel it. A tingly warmth surged through me. My whole body wanted him.

His tongue trailed down my neck and he nibbled on my collar bone. "You know how I said I wanted you to make love to me?" I asked and he made a sound of acknowledgement. "Well, I t-take it back." He sucked on my neck, making me moan quietly.

"Oh?" He whispered, trailing kisses up my neck.

"Mhm, I want- no I need you t-to." I stopped talking and gasped when he palmed my hard-on. "F-fuck me. Please." I finally begged him. I was surprised at how confident I was being, but after the day we just had, I felt confident and comfortable enough around him to say these things.

"Hm, I didn't know you had it in you." Vic said, most likely smirking against my neck. He brought his lips back to mine and kissed me hard. We were really getting into it...that was until we heard a car pull into the driveway.

"Ignore it. We can do it quietly." Vic said. I turned my head away from his eager lips and shook my head.

"I'm not doing it with your parents here." I said.

"It's okay, we..." He trailed off and looked like he was thinking about something. He looked at his bedside table clock and then back at me. "It's too early for them to be home." My mind wandered, thinking about who it could have been. I'd say Mike but he doesn't have a car. A moment later we could hear them down stairs; Tony, Jaime and Mike's voices were as clear as day.

"It's just the guys." He brushed them off and went to kiss me again. Once again I turned my head.

"I'm not having sex with you while your friends are in the house either." I said and pushed him off of me. He lay there next to me with a pout on his face.

"But I'm so turned on right now, don't leave me hanging!" He complained. I wanted to continue, I really did, but not while other people are in the house. I wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy it knowing they could hear me.

"I'll make it up to you later, I promise." I said. He groaned, rolling over onto his stomach and burying his head in the pillow. I grinned at how childish he was being and slid my arm around his waist.

"No, you're not allowed to touch me anymore." He said, pushing me away and getting off the bed. Vic in all of his Mexican glory walked around the room picking up his clothes and slid them back on while I watched with amused eyes. He still had a, uh, problem and he was finding it difficult to do his pants up. I suddenly felt bad that I was teasing him like this, so I caved.

"Ugh, wait." I said hesitantly.

"What?" He asked, not looking at me.

"You win. Lock the door, turn the stereo up." I said. His eyes shot to me and he had a triumphant smile on his face. He quickly did what I told him to do before coming back over and dropping on top of me.

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He said as we started round two.


The next morning I found myself walking into the kitchen at my house, half naked and shaking at the knees. My dad was still at the hospital so Vic came over early for some extra-curricular activities. I don't think I've ever moaned so loud in my life. The way he could make me feel was just unexplainable. I couldn't get enough of him.

"How about I wake you up like that every morning?" Vic arms snaked around my waist from behind and he left a stream of kisses along my bare shoulder making me shiver.

"I told you, I was already awake. I've been up for hours." I said, turning to face him. He smiled and kissed me. It was a deep kiss and I never wanted it to end; ever, but it did.

"Are you sure you don't want to skip school?" Vic asked. I nodded, my nose brushing against his.

"We have to face everyone sometime. If we don't today then I'll just be worrying about it until we finally do." There was a hint of sadness and fear in my voice. High school is a vicious place and it's a lot worse if you're gay. I'm just thankful I'll have Vic with me.

"It'll be fine. Trust me." He said and kissed my forehead. I just hope he's right.


"No, I changed my mind. Let's go home." I said, turning around from the front of the building and walking back towards the parking lot. People had already started staring as we walked towards the building and it was making me feel so uncomfortable.

"No, Kels, come on I told you it'll be fine." He chased after me and grabbed my hand, pulling me back to him. He dragged me towards school and there was no point in resisting him. This had to happen sooner or later. We both walked into the main hall of the school hand in hand and everyone's eyes fell on us, most people going quiet. I don't see what the big deal is here. It's like they've never seen a gay couple before.

Ignoring the stares, I continued walking with Vic with my head held high because I was proud to call him my boyfriend. I was proud that he was mine and no one else in this school, or out of it for that matter, could have him; especially Jenna. I saw her as we were walking down the hall. She was glaring at me, knowing that her stupid plan backfired on her. I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had won, I beat her.

Vic led me to my locker and with everyone watching he lightly pushed me against it and kissed me softly. I paid attention to our surroundings this time. I heard a lot of girls giggling and 'aw-ing'. But then again I heard some sounds of disgust too, not that I cared if they were disgusted by us. I was unbelievably happy and nothing they could say or do could change that.

He pulled away and smiled at me, not even being bothered by the stares we were getting. He pushed me to the side lightly, opened my locker and got out my math book and handed it to me. I took it, smiling in thanks, and then we both walked down the hall again, holding hands. Jaime, Tony and Mike quickly fell into step next to us and everyone watched us the way they used to; in fear. Nothing had changed really, except some dirty looks here in there; mostly from Josh and his friends. For the most part everyone still seemed scared of these boys.

School was normal for most of the day, I guess. People looked at me more but they left me alone, and I got to kiss Vic in between each class now. Everything was for the better. The entire atmosphere for me at school had changed because I was happy now.

It wasn't until lunch time did things take a turn for the worse, but I don't mean for me, no. Everyone could hear sirens from the cafeteria and of course, being the nosey students that we were, everyone rushed outside to see what was going on. Vic and the other guys lagged behind a bit, but when we got out there I saw girls crying and some people frantically looking around in shock. What was going on?

"You." Vic said to a freshmen. The young boy stopped and looked at Vic. "What's going on?"

"It's that Jenna girl, the one in senior class, she got hit by a car and they're taking her to hospital." The boy said. The five of us had our jaws to the floor in shock.

"Holy shit." Jaime was the first to speak. Vic and I glanced at each other, his lip twitched at the corner. Was he going to laugh?!

"Vic! At least act upset." I scolded him quietly, hitting him on the shoulder. He just shrugged his shoulders. I guess I could see why he wanted to smile though. All I've wanted to do to Jenna lately was push her in front of a bus. I mean, I don't want her to die or anything, but I guess karma's a bitch. I suddenly had a thought in my head and my gaze snapped to Tony. He had a huge crush on Jenna and now he was standing here with an emotionless look on his face. I wanted to ask if he was okay, but then again it wasn't my place really. I knew Vic had told him what Jenna had done to us and I knew Tony was mad about it, but I think he still cared for her anyway. Before any of us had a chance to see if he was okay, he was skipping down the steps two at a time and jogging towards the area which was cut off by police tape.

"Do you think he's okay?" I asked the others.

"He'll be fine. He says he hates her now because of what she did, but I know he just wants to see if she's alright." Jaime said. I just nodded and dropped the subject.

So apparently a student getting hit by a car is enough reason to cancel school for the rest of the day, even though it quickly got around that Jenna was going to be okay, but she just had a broken leg , a concussion and a few scrapes and bruises. So, Vic and I chilled out at his place for a little while, not doing anything in particular, just being with each other before he had to take me home.

When we drove up to my house there was something wrong, something different. There was another car in the drive way. A car that I recognized from when I was younger. It was my grandparent's car- my father's parents. But why would they be here?

"Who's that?" Vic asked.

"Uhm, my grandparents." I told him, glancing at him.

"Why are they here? Are they looking after you while your dad is in hospital or something?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. I haven't even heard from them in months." I said slowly. I was starting to think that something was wrong. They barely kept in contact with us even when we lived in Michigan and now they're here? It doesn't make sense.

"Do you want me to come inside with you?" He asked.

I scoffed and once again shook my head. "No way. They're really religious so if they find out I'm gay then they'd probably perform an exorcism on me or something." I said with a chuckle. "I'll just text you later with details."

I was about to lean over and kiss him goodbye when my father walked out of the house with the somewhat elderly couple following him. I froze in my place. He's back? I didn't think he was allowed out of the hospital for the next couple of days because he had internal bleeding or something like that.

"You should definitely go." I said.

"No, Kellin. He knows about us. You're my boyfriend and whatever it is I'm going to be there for you, okay? We're in this together, remember? Judgmental grandparents and all." He said and held my hand, giving it a light squeeze.

I nodded after taking a deep breath and got out of the car. My grandparents, who I was never really close to because I didn't see them that often, was giving both Vic and I stern looks of disapproval. My dad was glaring at Vic, which was understandable because of everything that happened. He didn't do or say anything to Vic though because of our agreement. He just looked at me and spoke.

"Pack your shit, you're moving back to Michigan."

It's Harder Breathing Next To You // KELLICWhere stories live. Discover now