Valentines day bonus

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Ah yes, Valentine's day. Last year I remember walking into school kind of dreading the day, but today was my first valentine's day being in a real full-blown relationship. Vic, my Vic, was jumping around and head-banging, playing his guitar as we finished off the show with our most popular song. Well, we had only been a band for a year and we were just the opening act, but there were still a few kids in the crowd that seemed to know who we were and were shouting the words back at us. Then there were others who were just tolerating us, waiting for the bigger act.

When we were done I thanked the kids that had come out and then walked off stage with Vic, Jaime, Tony and Mike.

"Great show, guys." Jaime said, doing a little fist bump with all of us. I nodded, agreeing with him. I looked at Vic with a little smile. I wanted to go over and kiss him or something, but we wanted to keep our relationship quite for now. Of course the guys know, but there were interviewers and fans of the other bands backstage that could see us and spread the word. We don't want to be known as "that band with the gay couple", we want to be liked (or disliked, for that matter) for our music.

Me and the guys started packing up our things like we did after every show because we didn't have our own crew yet. I could think of better ways I wanted to spend Valentine's day. We had spent all morning travelling in our tiny, cramped van. Then did a couple of interviews, although why they wanted to interview such a new band was beyond me. Fearless records was trying to make it out like we were the next best thing.

"Tony!" A shrill voice rang throughout the backstage area. The blonde bombshell that is Jenna ran up to Tony, flinging her arms around him. I glared at her, wanting to rip her limb from limb, just like every time I saw her. I looked at Vic. He was giving me his 'calm down' look. I don't know why he was so okay with this! Sure, the little witch made Tony happy and he's head over heels in love with her, but I will never forgive her for what she did. I was getting angrier by the second as I watched the happy couple freely display their love for each other.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts I didn't notice Vic come over to me and place his hand on my back. "Come with me." He whispered in my ear. The feeling of his breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine. He always had that effect on me.

"But we have to finish packing up." I told him, finally looking away from Tony and Jenna.

"I spoke to the guys earlier, they understand. Follow me." He said. I was eager to get out of there and away from her, so I followed him. I wonder where he's taking me. I thought that maybe he could have some romantic surprise for me, but this is Vic I'm talking about. He wasn't one for the romance side of a relationship. I mean, last year he bought me a Kama Sutra book!

He led me out towards the back door and walked out of it, with me following closely behind. We were greeted by the cold air. I instantly wished I had brought a jacket with me. Those thoughts were pushed aside though when Vic turned back to me, held my hips and lightly pushed me back against the now closed door.

"Can you remember the last time the two of us were alone together?" He asked. I searched my brain trying to think of when that was, but honestly I couldn't think of when it was. Ever since this tour started about a month ago, we were always with the guys whether it was in the van or at venues. We rarely had a day off.

"Exactly." He said when I didn't answer.

"So this is your solution, hanging out in an alleyway?" I asked with a chuckle.

"It'll do." He said. He leant in and kissed me. It had been so long since we had kissed without having one of the guys around. I longed for this moment. I wrapped my hands around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair as I kissed him back. He rolled his hips into mine which made me want him even more. Complete desire was gnawing at every part of my being. Oh God I need him, but we can't.

"Stop, Vic, stop." I said. He wasn't listening though. He kissed my neck, knowing that was the only way to manipulate me. "V-vic, don't take this too far if we can't finish it."

He pulled away smirking at me and I watched him as he took something out of his pocket. It was a long, thin piece of material.

"Close your eyes." He said.

I shook my head. "No, is that a blind fold?" I asked. He just nodded and didn't wait for me to protest again. He covered my eyes with the material, leaving me without the sense of sight. In a way it freaked me out a little bit, but in another way I was excited for whatever he had planned. Once he tied it up he took my hand and started to lead me...somewhere? I don't know.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked with a small giggle.

"It's a surprise." He said. He kept walking and I followed behind, walking extra slow because I was afraid I was going to trip over something. I trusted him though so I knew it'd be safe. What could Vic possibly have planned? Maybe he was going to take me to like a park or something where we could hang out together for the rest of the night. Or maybe, knowing Vic, to a motel where we could have a couple of hours alone. It had been a while since we had sex and I know he was craving it.

We kept walking and I knew we were out on the busy street of the city now. I'm sure we were probably getting all sorts of strange looks too, so I was glad I couldn't see them. I'm sure Vic would have been glaring them down anyway. It felt like we were walking in a straight line for ages before Vic turned us.

"Steps." He warned and I slowed down, apparently too slow for Vic's liking because he kept pulling me along, almost making me trip up the three or four steps in front of me. Gosh he was eager for wherever he was taking me.

"Can you tell me where we are at least?" I asked.

"No." He said. We kept walking for a little bit and then we stopped. I wondered where we were. I got the feeling we were inside, mainly because it wasn't as cold anymore and it was quieter. I heard a dinging sound and then Vic pulled me forward again. Dinging? Are we in an elevator? My silent question was answered when I felt a little weightless as we went up. Alright, I'm going to call it now, we're probably at a hotel or something. I wanted to ask Vic again but I also got the feeling we weren't alone in here. Finally I heard the doors open and Vic led me out again. Once again I got dragged along before we stopped and I heard keys rattling.

"Can I take this thing off now?" I asked.

"Not yet, just a minute." He said. I heard a door open and Vic tugged at my arm for me to follow him. He stopped again and I felt both of his hands on my hips. I was getting really impatient now.

"Okay, so I know you're not like, a girl or anything. But this is our first real Valentine's day together, you know. And I wanted to do something totally romantic for you, like how you see it done in the movies, because I love you and you deserve it." He said.

"I love you too, Vic, but I'd love you more if I knew what you were talking about." I said. I could hear him chuckle before I felt the blindfold get removed. I opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light although the room wasn't very lit up. I gasped at what I saw. It was truly like walking into the set of a romance movie.

The lights were off and there were candles flickering around the hotel room. It looked like it was really expensive, like really really expensive. I have no idea how he could afford this place! There were rose petals everywhere. Rose petals!! They were scattered on the floor and on the bed. I noticed the plate of strawberries covered in chocolate on the bedside table, hmm, yum.

"Do you like it?" He asked with an edge of uncertainty in his voice. I looked at him to see he looked a bit unsure of himself.

"Like it? I love it, Vic. How did you even have time to do all of this?" I asked.

"Well, the idea was all mine, I promise you that. But I may have had a little bit of help...from Jenna." He said.

"Jenna?" I asked in shock. That little witch helped this happen? I suppose it made sense. For the past few months she's been practically groveling at our feet trying to make us forgive her. I guess this was her way...

"Yeah, look, let's not dwell on her. We have this place to ourselves for the next two hours. I want to make the most of it. I want all of you, right now." He said. The words made butterflies flutter around my stomach. I want him too.

He took my hand and led me towards the bed, but before we sat down on it he picked up one of the chocolate covered strawberries and held it to my lips.

"That is so cliché." I said, rolling my eyes. He just poked my lips with the tip of the strawberry. "You're not feeding me like a child."

"Yes I am." He said and practically forced the thing in my mouth. I giggled, pushing him away. My lips were now covered in chocolate. "So messy. Let me help you with that." He teased before kissing me, sucking on my bottom lip to get the chocolate off. He pulled away again, leaving me wanting more.

"Want another one?" He asked.

"No." I said quickly and brought him in for another kiss. I pulled him back and turned him around right at the last second so his back fell to the bed with me on top, straddling him. There was no way I wanted to waste time with the cute romantic stuff. I needed him and if we only had two hours in here then I needed him quickly, you know, for multiple rounds. He seemed to have the same idea because in no time at all he was pulling my shirt over my head and running his hands along my chest. The always dominate Vic flipped us over easily, pressing me into the mattress.

"You're beautiful." He said against my lips. He never failed to make me blush. He kissed my reddening cheeks, then my jaw and my neck, nibbling on it, probably leaving countless amounts of hickeys which I'd have a difficult time explaining to the other bands tomorrow. He sat up for a moment and took his shirt off, throwing it on the floor. My eyes scanned his perfect body.

"I missed this. It's been too long." I told him. He just nodded and kissed me again. His warm chest was pressed against mine, rubbing up and down it as he grinded his lower body against mine. I was so turned on for him. "I know you're trying to be all romantic and stuff, but I need you now, Vic. I can't wait. Please." I pleaded breathlessly. He answered me by quickly fumbling with the zipper on my jeans. I helped him along and in no time at all our pants were on the ground and we were panting and moaning as we stroked each other.

"Oh G-god, Kels." Vic stuttered on top of me. He bucked his hips against me and I knew he was getting close, and hey, I was too, so I stopped touching him. He whimpered, but didn't protest. He pushed himself off of me, looking at me with lust in his eyes.

"Sorry if I don't last long. But it's your fault for being such a tease." He said.

"Me? A tease?" I asked.

"Yeah you. It's your fault for sauntering around on stage all sexy like and turning me on for the past month." He said. I didn't argue with him because I guess I have done that. Vic reached over to the bedside table and opened the drawer. Fishing around for a second, he pulled out a condom and lube- two things I hadn't seen in far too long. I just watched my boyfriend in admiration as he slipped the condom on and lubed himself up.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked.

"A little." I said with a shrug.

He looked down and lined himself up. The anticipation was killing me. I just wanted to feel him inside me again. I needed it. He slowly pushed into me, filling me up. Once he was all the way in he leant back down and kissed me before he started to move. I groaned at the first movement, and the second, and the third, and so on as he moved in and out of me. I didn't even care that we had just been jumping around sweating on stage. I just wanted him on me and to be a part of me. I wanted him in every way. There was no way to describe how much I wanted him and how much I love him. It was during moments of complete ecstasy like this when I really realized just how in love I am with this boyfriend of mine.

"Kels." He groaned, thrusting faster. I moaned and brought my hips up to meet his thrusts. Oh wow, this feels so good. It felt even better when Vic squeezed my member and stroked it slowly, too slowly. I trembled underneath him. Fuck, I was so sensitive.

"Oh faster, Vic." I begged. He loved it when I begged him.

"Ah, Kellin, I'm going to come. Oh fuck." He gasped.

"Yes baby, me too." I said. The pent up sexual tension from the past few weeks meant it didn't take long before we were both over-come by the intense sensations of reaching our absolute peaks. I moaned his name, just like I always do, just how he likes it. He thrust into me a few more times as he rode out his high. He slowed down, panting heavily and kissing me all over my lips, cheek and neck again.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." He repeated. I couldn't form any words. I was just so happy to be in this moment with him.

He pulled out of me and fell to the bed, pulling me into a hug. I loved being in his arms, especially naked. We both lay there in silence for a few minutes trying to catch our breath.

"You're perfect, you know that right?" He asked.

I shook my head and looked him directly in the eyes. "No, you're perfect. I don't know how I ever got so lucky to have you. You're so sweet doing all of this for me."

"Yeah well, don't get used to it." He joked. He moved forward and pecked me lips.

"Happy Valentine's day, Vic." I said.

"Happy Valentine's day." He said back.

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