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"Good morning, boyfriend." Vic greeted me on Tuesday morning with a cheeky grin. I smiled, pulled him into my house and pressed my lips to his. Now that we've gotten over the recent drama we can go back to normal. Vic wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. Only a second later we heard Mike beeping the car horn.

"Let's just skip today." Vic said against my lips.

"We skipped half of yesterday." I reminded him.

"So?" He asked. He brought his hand up and brushed the hair out of my eyes and gave me that lusty look which never fails to make me blush. Yep, forgiving him was definitely the best decision ever because I'm so not done with him.

"So, before I met you I actually cared about school." I said.

"You're such a nerd." He said. "Come on, babe, let's just skip first period and uh, get back to what we were doing Saturday morning." He winked at me. Nervous butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. Friday night and Saturday morning really was something else and I'm not against doing it all over again, but school is important too.

"Are you turned on like all the time?" I asked.

"Just when I'm thinking about you." He said and leant in closer to my ear. "Which is all the time." He whispered and lightly kissed just below my ear, making me shiver.

"Okay, that's enough of that." I said and pushed him away. "Mike's waiting."

He sighed but gave up on his attempts and followed me out of the house. Normally I'd probably be annoyed that he wants the physical side of things so much, but after the last couple of days I feel like the emotional side is so much stronger. Like, he finally told me that he really likes me and cares about me and is serious about this relationship, and I feel the same way about him too. Besides, I kind of really want the physical side too.

"Hey Mike." I said when Vic and I got in the car.

"Hey dude, look I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you." Mike said. I looked at him in the rear view mirror. He looked really sorry.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I should be thanking you anyway." I said.

"Yeah I should thank you too, 'cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get some later." Vic said with a wink and a cheeky grin.

I gasped and hit his arm. "Vic!"

"What?" He laughed. He looked back at Mike who was looking at us both with his nose scrunched up. "I was kidding." He said before looking back at me and whispering, "totally not kidding."

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window as the brothers started bickering about Vic giving too much information. It's kind of funny how just yesterday I was considering calling it quits with Vic, yet now I'm sitting in his car totally content with everything. I was truly happy right now.

We got to school and like normal Mike and I walked up ahead by ourselves so Vic and I didn't give away our relationship. I know that both mine and Vic's body language and looks to each other would be enough for anyone to know what's going on, I don't have that problem with Mike though. The whole school knows we're friends and that he's a notorious ladies man so no one would think he's gay.

My morning classes were boring as hell as per normal, but I managed to get a lot of work done and actually learn a few things, even though I was distracted every five minutes by texts from Vic. It's a wonder how no one noticed me sitting at the back of the room blushing and trying not to laugh at whatever stupid or cute thing he would text.

It got to lunch time and I couldn't wait to see him, even if I had to keep my distance. When I walked into the cafeteria, Vic, Mike, Tony and Jaime weren't at their table. Even the somewhat stalkerish Jenna wasn't there. Okay, that was probably a bit mean. I'm sure she's not a stalker. Anyway, none of them were there but that's probably because I took a few shortcuts and walked extra quickly to get there, just so I could see his face. Ugh, I sound like a lovesick teenage girl! Wait, lovesick? I was interrupted by my thoughts when a blonde, pig-headed jock stood in front of me, blocking my way. He had a devilish grin on his face.

"What do you want, Craig?" I asked, rolling my eyes. He had been giving me these annoying, evil looks during math class and it was making me feel a bit uneasy.

"To finish that fight we started a couple of weeks ago, you know, now that you don't have the fucking Mexican-patrol on my back all the fucking time." He growled. I looked at him confused. What is he talking about? Oh! He must have noticed I wasn't with the others yesterday and now he thinks we're not friends. I decided to not tell him because it'll be funnier when he finds out I'm still friends with them.

"I'm not fighting with you." I said and went to walk past him. He wouldn't let me pass though. He grabbed my wrist and spun me back around. I pulled my wrist out of his hold easily and grabbed onto his and pressed on his pressure point. It was something I had read on the internet a while ago so I knew how to defend myself if my dad every got too abusive. I've just never wanted to use it until now. I was surprised to learn that it worked and Craig gasped out in pain and took a few steps away from me.

"Fucking homo." He snapped. "Never touch me again." He was looking around awkwardly at the others in the cafeteria to see if anyone noticed what I did, and of course they had. This school thrives on pointless drama. Craig walked over to me again and got all up in my face.

"Faggot." He spat. I'm seriously sick of his shit right now. Not because he's calling me gay, but because he's such an ignorant prick that he thinks being gay is an insult. He reminds me so much of a younger version of my dad. I gritted my teeth as we stared each other down. Behind him though I saw Jaime's familiar spikey hair and of course, wherever Jaime is Tony and Vic will be too.

"Guess what?" I asked with a small smile.

"What, faggot?"

"My back-up's here." I said. I probably wouldn't have had the guts to do this if Vic and the others weren't in the room, but since they were I did it anyway. I punched Craig right in the jaw and goddamn did it feel good. He wasn't expecting it either so he stumbled back, tripping over his own feet and fell to the ground. I looked down at him and smirked. I have to admit, I felt a bit arrogant right now, but hey, I just stood up for myself. That's not something I do very often and I would probably regret it later, but right now I was satisfied with what I did.

I looked up at Vic, Tony, Jaime and Mike. They actually looked quite impressed and maybe a little shocked. I was shocked too. Vic looked a little less shocked though, probably because I've punched him before so he knows I have it in me when I'm angry enough.

"What happened here?" Vic asked when they walked over. Craig scrambled to his feet quickly, glaring at me.

"Yeah, Craig, you wouldn't be messing with our buddy Kellin now, would you?" Jaime asked, his voice oozing sarcasm. Craig looked at us all, being totally confused.

"Seriously? How the fuck did this dweeby fucking faggot get into your group?" Craig asked. He didn't stick around for an answer though or maybe he realized he just stood up to these boys who apparently the whole school is scared of. He walked away, back to his friends at their table.

"End him." Vic said calmly, looking at Tony and Jaime.

"Plan MJ?" Jaime asked. Vic just nodded. Jaime and Tony disappeared out the cafeteria with grins on their faces.

"Could you help them out, little bro? They need to break into Craig's locker and you're the master at breaking and entering." Vic asked Mike, being totally bossy.

"Piece of cake." Mike said with a shrug and he too was out of there.

Vic turned to me this time and I had to look away. I knew there were still people watching us and I didn't want them to notice my complete adoration for this boy.

"And you, my violent little muchacho, can follow me." He said in a low voice. I have no fucking idea what a muchaco is, but there was something about Vic saying anything in Spanish that was a total turn on. I followed him out of the cafeteria, staying a few feet behind him and followed him into the halls where a few people were still on their way to the cafeteria. I kept following him and we walked out the front doors of the school and towards the parking lot. There was no one out here though because it's the school's rules that everyone stays inside during school hours. Clearly Vic and I don't care about rules at all.

"What's the MJ plan? Is that like a Michael Jackson reference or something?" I asked.

"MJ, A.K.A Mary Jane, A.K.A Marijuana. Tony and Jaime are going to plant it in his locker and car and then send an anonymous tip to the principle. Craig will be expelled in a second." Vic said as he fell into step next to me.

"You're an evil genius." I said.

"I know." He said cockily.

We walked to his car which was parked right down the very back, next to Jaime's SUV and Tony's tiny green car which actually looked kind of like a giant turtle now that I think about it. Which is kind of weird. I forgot about it quickly though when Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me into the small gap between his and Jaime's car. He pushed me against the large SUV and crashed his lips against mine. I melted against him and wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. His hands were on my hips and he pushed our lower bodies together. Oh fuck, he was already hard. I stopped kissing him.

"Here?" I asked.

"No one's around." He shrugged. I looked around and surely enough no one would be able to see us. Jaime's car blocked us off from the front of the school, other rows of cars stopped anyone from the street from seeing anything, plus there were trees blocking the windows along the building, and there was nothing on the other side of Tony's car. I looked back at Vic who was running his tongue along his bottom lip, probably subconsciously, but I found it fucking sexy.

"Alright." I said.

"Really?" He asked in surprise. I just nodded. He grinned and took his car keys out of his pocket and pressed the button which unlocked the car. Holding my hand, he pulled me towards the back seat, opened the door for me and nudged me towards it. I got in, followed by him and the slamming of the door. He pressed the button again, locking the doors, before grinning at me again and pushing me onto my back. We were lucky we were such little guys because the space was so cramped, but hey, that just means he has to be closer to me. He crawled on top of me and pecked my nose.

"Do you have any idea how hot you looked when you punched him?" He asked. I didn't answer the question; I just blushed because I wasn't used to be calling hot.

"I'm not hot." I whispered.

"I beg to differ." He said and kissed me on the lips, demanding I kiss him back. He sucked my bottom lip and I slipped my tongue out to play with his. His hands wandered around my small body, making it burn at every touch. He pushed his erection into mine, making me moan against his lips. My pants were so fucking tight because of him. My whole body was coursing with hormones for this boy. I needed his clothes off. Now.

I slipped my hands under his shirt and trailed them up to his hard chest. He got the hint and pulled away for a second to let me pull his shirt off. I sat up so he could do the same to me and he scanned my body before smirking at me and kissing me again. I put my hands on his hips and forced him to rock into me. He kept doing it by himself and I pushed up, rocking my hips with his. I lightly trailed the skin around the edge of his jeans, making him shiver above me. I was glad I could have that effect on him. He brushed his lips across my jaw and to my neck, kissing it over and over again, just the way I like it, making me whimper. I was so weak around him.

"I want you so bad, Kellin." He whispered. God I love the way he says my name. We were both so eager at this point and everything was happening quickly, and that was okay with me. He undid the button on my jeans and pulled the zipper down quickly, and I did the same to his jeans. Moments later we were shuffling them down and grabbing hold of each other. I gasped at his touch. This was so wrong, doing this in the school parking lot. But there was no way I was going to back out now.

"Vic." I breathed and used my spare hand to tangle my fingers in his hair and bring his lips back to mine. Our hands worked in sync next to each other, stroking the other up and down. He was thrusting into my hand, urging me to go quicker so I did, but he kept going slowly on me. Not that I was complaining right now because if he went any faster this would all be over too soon. I brushed my thumb over his tip and I heard a groan deep in his throat. Every sound he made just turned me on more.

"Oh fuck, Kellin." He whispered as his lips left mine. His breathing was a lot heavier than mine and I felt kind of proud that so far I was keeping myself together. He noticed the teasing smile though, and seemingly read my mind before biting my collar bone and soothing it with a flick of the tongue. That was enough to make me moan and unravel underneath him. He looked back at me, smirking triumphantly. His hand was going painfully slow now.

"Faster." I begged him but he didn't do it. "Please, Vic."

I writhed around, pushing my hips up, but he was still teasing me, so I let go of him completely. Two can play at that game. He groaned in frustration and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Okay, enough messing around." He said and flicked his wrist faster. I smiled because I won our silent power struggle. I grasped his member again, stroking it quickly. He squeezed mine as he rubbed it, making me moan out loud. This time there was no need to be quiet because no one was around to hear. I knew I was getting closer. I could feel it deep in my belly.

"Faster." I pleaded again and he granted my wish. "Oh God!" I screamed out.

His lips, once again, went to my neck. Curse him for knowing that about me! Vic hummed in my ear and his hip movement went faster. Seeing him so turned on because of me completely set me off and I fell apart underneath him.

"Vi-" But I didn't get his name out; it was muffled by a moan. A second later he was saying my name as he too finished. We were both left there, panting in the back seat of the car, in the middle of the day, trembling over what we just did. His head was resting on my shoulder as he tried to keep himself hovering above me.

"Holy fuck." My voice shook, my breathing heavy.

"Uh huh." Was all he could say.

It's Harder Breathing Next To You // KELLICWhere stories live. Discover now