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I ran out of the house Monday morning and got in Vic's car, wasting no time in leaning over to him and kissing him. I didn't see him all weekend because my dad didn't want me to leave the house, because he likes to have control of my life. Plus Vic said he was busy with something.

"Ew, do you have to do that here?" Mike asked from the backseat. I pulled away from Vic and grinned at him.

"Well we can't do it at school." I said. I faced forward and did up my seatbelt before Vic started driving. I glanced at the god-like Mexican boy and he smiled back at me. His free hand found its way to mine and held it.

"You're in a good mood today." Vic pointed out. He was right; I was in a good mood today. But why shouldn't I be? For once I'm actually happy. I have a boyfriend who cares about me and my dad hasn't even hit me in a little while. Life is finally looking up. I just shrugged at Vic and changed the topic.

"So, my dad got a job, which means that he's not home from like 6am until about 5pm." I told them both, but mostly Vic. This was another reason why I was happy. My dad would be home a lot less, which meant a very happy Kellin.

"And that means rendezvous' before and after school." Vic said winking at me. I blushed, thinking about what we could possibly do during those times.

"Rendezvous better mean a tea party or something because I do not need a disturbing mental image in my head." Mike added his two cents, making Vic and I laugh, but no more was said on the topic.

When we got to school I got out of the car and walked a bit ahead of Vic with Mike. We thought it would look too suspicious if Vic and I hung out a lot and we didn't want everyone to know our secret. I highly doubt anyone would think Mike was gay because he's a notorious ladies man in this school, which doesn't surprise me because I guess he is kind of attractive, but he's no Vic. Mike and I parted ways and I went to my locker, taking out my math notebooks. When I had them I continued walking down the hallway, glancing at Vic who was standing with Tony and Jaime. He gave a small smile as I waked past him and to the stairs. I jogged up them and went straight to my math classroom, getting there a couple of minutes early. It didn't take long before I was getting a text from Vic.

'Skip class?'- Vic.

'I can't. I don't want detention' - Me.

'But we can go find a place to have some fun...like a closet...or the back seat of my car ;)'- Vic.

I blushed at the message and looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to the weird reactions I was having. I looked back at my phone, thinking of a reply.

'Or we can not get detention and go back to my empty house this afternoon'- Me.

I had never flirted with someone through text messages before. Vic was being awfully suggestive with that goddamn winking emoticon! I just hope he hasn't forgotten what I said yesterday about going too fast. It's not that I don't want to go further with Vic, it's just that things are so perfect right now and I don't want to do anything that might change his mind about me. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being my usual, stupid, innocent self. Maybe I should just grow up.

Vic and I texted each other for most of the boring class. We didn't talk about anything interesting really, but it was nice getting texts from him. We had about five minutes until the end of the class when Mr. Gee stopped teaching and told us we had free time. Apparently he wasn't allowed to let us leave early though. I just continued texting Vic until I heard a chair screech in front of my desk and then Craig sat down, facing me.

"What do you want?" I asked. He's barely acknowledged my existence since the fight. I wasn't scared of him anymore. I knew I had protection now.

"I want to know how you wormed your way into that group." He told me. I knew what he meant by "that group".

It's Harder Breathing Next To You // KELLICحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن