Chapter 13

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Trigger Warning

Jungkook POV

When I woke up, Daddy and Dada were right next to me. Dada was playing with my hair while Daddy was looking through some things in a drawer.

"What Daddy doing?"

"Daddy's gonna help Kookie with his cuts and bruises. Is that okay?"

I hesitantly nodded, scared of what was gonna happen.

Daddy pulled out a tube that started with the letter 'n'. I felt so smart for knowing what letter it started with.

"Baby boy, it's gonna hurt a little, so if it hurts to much, just tell me when to stop."

But I wanted to be brave for Daddy.

Fucking pussy! Can't even take a small amount of pain!

You should've gotten used to it by now you little bitch!

Dada grabbed my hand. Was it really gonna huwt that bad?



"Can Kookie have cuddles aftew?"

"You can have all the cuddles you want after baby, but we have to take care of you first."

I smiled before Dada lifted my hoodie and played with my hair. It felt nice and comfy.

Then Daddy took some stuff out of the tube and softly touched on a part of my tummy. It huwt a wittle, but not enough to make me cry.

I'm daddy and dada's brave boy!

He put a band aid on it and put some of the stuff on a part that hurt lots. It was too much. I started to cry from the pain.

Why can't you just be fucking normal?!

Stop whining!

So fucking pathetic!

I squirmed and tried to curl up but they held me for a second to put the band aid on and Dada quickly held me.

"'s okay...."

"Can Daddy do that when Kookie big instead?"

"Of course baby boy. So sorry."

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