Chapter 33

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"We're here!" Seokjin exclaimed as he pulled up into the driveway of their new house.

Everybody ran out of their cars to look around the house in person.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Milo scoffed and chuckled since they had alreadu seen the house and took out their stuff from their car.

Taehyung had Jimin's hand in his while they ran to their room. It had a low ceiling and big windows. They walked around it and giggled and squealed as they ran around the room.

Jungkook grabbed Jimin from the room and dragged him to the room that was supposed to be for the littles. Thankfully, for Jimin, it was right across him and Tae's room.

It was a small room with a high ceiling. Some small stairs against the right wall led to a second floor of the room that covered most of the room, but not all of it.

It looked like paradise to the two boys.
Jungkook then ran up the stairs to where Jin and Yoongi were.

Their room was fairly large with a small fireplace in the middle of the back wall.

All the rooms had big windows and surprisingly, the house had two big master bedrooms.

Milo ran into the house after he had finished taking his stuff from Namjoon's car and grabbed both Jimin and Jungkook to show them the room where Namjoon proposed to him and Hoseok.

Jungkook and Jimin were in awe.

"They didn't talk about this room on the website..." Jungkook said as he looked out the big room.

Soon, all the men were in that room, looking out that same window.

"Some people are probably looking at us and wondering what the hell we're doing." Yoongi said, which caused everybody to laugh.

"I feel bad for our neighbors." Hoseok giggled.

After some hard work called unpacking, the rooms had been fully decorated with Jin and Namjoon's interior designing.

The littles' room was everybody's favorite.

On the first floor we're 2 beds. One a queen bed that was built into a big crib by Namjoon for when Jimin, Milo, or Jungkook were in baby space and wanted to sleep somewhere more comfortable than their caregiver's bed. And a small twin bed for Kookie.

Both were covered with stuffies.

And on the top floor, there was a big toy mat surrounded by many toy boxes. Also a baby gate on the top of the stairs to be safe.

This new house felt like a mirage to the men. It was everything they dreamt of and more.

It was now time, to start their future.

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