Chapter 18

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I sat on my daddy's bed, sucking on the paci that fada made for me. It had a King's crown on it and was colored peach, my favorite color.

"Miwo." Daddy said.

I was too into playing with my bear.

He wanted to go off on another adventure. I knew I didn't need to go on them but I liked to be drifting away from the world.

"Miwo." Both daddy and dada said now.


"Can we talk to big boy Miwo?"

"Mnmm." I shook my head and pouted.

"Miwooo..." Dada warned me.


I breathed in and out, slowly getting rid of the soft feeling in my tummy.

"Sorry Hobi..."

"It's okay baby. We just wanna talk about how you were before we got back with you."

"...I was with a guy...cause I couldn't afford to live on my own...I fell in love with him at first, but the-..."

I choked on a sob before Hobi pulled me into his lap and Joonie rubbed my back. I felt a lot safer with them than anyone else I had been with.

"He...he trea-trea-t-ted m-m-me-e..."

"'s okay..."

I calmed down and slowed my sobs.

"He would yell at me and hit things and s-slam doors and he would p-pull my hair and make me work and clean when he knew I-I was really t-t-tired and my hands were b-burning..."

I bawled into Hoseok's chest while Namjoon softly stroked my palms.

It burned my skin so I immediately pulled away and shook my head.

"Do you need to get some stuff from there?" Hoseok asked. I nodded.

"Do you wanna go now?"


-Time Skip-

We were here.

I knocked the door. The plan was to end it with him and get my stuff and if there was any intrusion from him...

Well, let's say we wouldn't be paying for his hospital bills.

He opened the door and immediately yanked me to him by my hair.


He was thrown to the ground and I moved away from him, terrified as I curled up on the floor. Small amounts of blood flowed down my hair.

After I heard some grunts and a hard punch, I was pulled to my feet and they tended to the small wound on my head, checking for any signs of a concussion or major head injuries. Hoseok rubbed my arm as we made our way to my stuff.

I first got the money I hid under the bathroom floor.

"You're gonna live with us, right?"

"Seokjin hyung wouldn't mind?"

"I guess as long as you help pay for necesities like we do."

"Okay." I smiled.

We got the rest of my clothes and Little things that I had to hide from my ex. Joonie had his hand on my lower back the whole time in a protective matter. It made me blush.

"Thanks you guys." I said as I kicked the limping body on the floor and spat in his hair.

"Asshat." I growled.

"Come on baby." Namjoon took my hand and guided me outside of the place I used to take shelter in.

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