Chapter 23 PT. 1

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"What happened Jimin?" Milo asked as Jin took some of Jungkook's little space stuff from the closet.

"I-I d-dun-nno...I was fine but then I started feeling soft and shy and-"

"That's kinda what little space is like. I had an experience similar to that when I first found out I was a Little."

"Is TaeTae gonna hate me if I am a Little?"

"Does he love you?"


"Does he love you?"

"Yes." Jimin mumbled.

"Then he will accept and love the fact that you might be a Little if you are." Milo reassured Jimin, even though he's had caregivers that didn't like his Little side.

The younger nodded as Jin walked up to the two. Jin and Milo decided to find out what kind of a Little Jimin was. If he was a Little which they were also finding out.

"Do you wanna play with some stuffies, Chimmie?"

Jimin practically drooled in delight when he saw the bright teddy bear Jin was holding.

Oh, he definetly was a Little.

Now to see what kind of a Little he was.

What kind of a Little do you guys think would best suit Jimin? I'm thinking soft, social, and energetic.

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