Chapter 25

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The NamSeok couple woke up to the cutest thing they've ever seen.

Milo was lying on the top of Namjoon's chest, his hair messy from sleep.

"Should we wake him up?" Hoseok asked.

"No. We haven't had a morning like this in a long time. Let him have it. Are you gonna go?"

"I'm just going to see if Jungkook's awake yet."

Namjoon nodded and saw Milo lift up his head.

"Goo morning Joonie..." Was all he could say before closing his eyes again.

"Are you going back to sleep love?"

Milo could barely nod due to how tired he was.

Namjoon kissed his head and pulled him closer to himself.

Hoseok saw Jungkook leave his room with a paci in his mouth. The Little crawled up to Hoseok and put his arms up for Hoseok to carry him.

Hoseok grinned and carried Jungkook in his arms.

"You want a bottle or nuggies Jungkook?"


"Okay. You wanna watch cartoons for now?"

Jungkook shook his head.

"Wan tay wit 'obi.."

Hoseok nodded and sat Jungkook on the counter before preparing his bottle.

He had never seen Jungkook in baby space before. He wondered if he was like Jimin or Milo or just the same energetic Little he is.

Jungkook babbled and squealed and clapped his hands together as he was handed the bottle of banana milk by Hoseok.

He was carried to the couch and Hoseok played Alice In Wonderland.

Jungkook couldn't keep his eyes off the screen. It was one of his favorites to watch. He hated the Queen of Hearts though. She is a meanie after all.

Some time later, Namjoon walked into the room with Milo and set him down on the carpet to watch the movie as well.

Milo excitedly gasped and focused on the movie as well. He didn't even notice Hoseok carrying him onto his lap along side Jungkook.

When the Queen of Hearts was shown on the screen, Jungkook stuck out his tongue with a teasing voice.

Milo giggled and joined the younger.

They both laughed so hard their stomachs were aching by the end of the movie.

Hoseok and Namjoon were surprised by these actions and became concerned for the Littles.

But soon, they stopped, and lied on the couch together, holding each other. It made Jungkook happy.

'Kookie got miwo. An miwo got Kookie.' He thought before drifting off into the rabbit hole of dreamland.

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