Chapter 15

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I woke up to a slam on the counter followed by an ambush of demands.

"Where's my breakfast?! Why haven't you cleaned the apartment yet! So fucking lazy! Get your ugly ass up and start working!"

I whined as he pulled my arm, his grip almost tearing my skin, to throw me onto the floor. I lied still and numb, staring at the wall. I was so tired..5 more minutes...

"You little shit..." He spat on the floor. "Get up!"

Everything in my body ached, my body now in flight mode. I wanted to get up and comply to make the yelling stop, but all my tired weak body did was curl up, hoping he would stop.

"I-I-I-I'm s-s-sor-rr-y..." I whimpered before he pulled my hair, making me face him, and he screamed in my face, "IF YOU WERE SORRY, YOU WOULD GET YOUR ASS UP AND DO SOME SHIT FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!"


I stared at the humble coffee shop, admiring it's relaxing feel to it.

I had to change jobs since the last place I worked at shut down. I didn't like it anyway. So boring.

The door was opened by what seemed to be an employee, however he looked short enough to be in high school.

Was he an actual high school student?

"Come in! You must be Seokjin!" Never mind. He sounded mature enough to be around Hoseok or Namjoon's age.

I smiled at him before walking in and feeling the warmth consume me as the cold of the streets disappeared.

"Ah, you must be Seokjin. I'm the manager here."

"Hello sir."

-Time Skip-

Once he finished showing me around, he introduced me to the people I would be working with.

"And, last but not least, this is Milo. You will mainly be working with him at the front."

It was the same boy that opened the door for me.

I waved at him and he lightly blushed at the attention. I smiled from his cuteness.

Why would he be flustered over a small bit of attention?

Kookie does the same thing though...


What if he is like Kookie?

It'd be rude to ask.

But for some weird reason, I wanna know. 

Maybe if we become close enough from work, I can help him, like we're helping Kookie.

Author POV

Jin dragged himself across the apartment to the kitchen where everybody sat at the table.

"Hey hyung." Jungkook said.

"Hi." Jin said as he sat in front of the younger. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why do you blush every time we give you the slightest amount of attention?"

"Well...I used to be ignored and yelled at a lot growing up, so I got used to being alone and no one wanting to pay attention to me. And I got shy and flustered from the attention. Why'd you ask?"

"A new co-worker of mine blushed a little when I looked at him."

"That looks like a sign of negligence. Poor thing." Taehyung said.

However, Hoseok and Namjoon remembered this action.

"Whatwashisname?" Hoseok darted at Jin.

"Milo. Why?"

Hoseok's eyes watered at the mention of the boy. He found his little angel. After years of searching..

"I finally found you my love. We're going to get you, don't worry." Hoseok whispered as he sobbed into Namjoon's chest.

Milo POV

I smiled as I walked into the crappy apartment that smelt like weed and cum. I rushed to the box I cleverly hid in the bathroom and counted all the tip money I had saved.

This was it. I had enough. I'm getting out of this hellhole.

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