13. "The "banquet"

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No one's POV

Today is the day.Get ready at 6 pm sharp.  You don't need to drive today. The chauffeur will come and pick us up. Jungook said to tzuyu avoiding eye contact.

Tzuyu just nod her head.

In the evening

In his room jungook is getting ready. He is wearing a black tuxedo and white shirt matching with a black bow tie.

He left his hair in a messy way. And as usual He is looking handsome..

After getting ready, he was waiting for tzuyu in main entrance

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After getting ready, he was waiting for tzuyu in main entrance. He don't want to face her alone. So he came downstairs.

After a while he saw tzuyu is coming wearing a black sleeveless party dress. It's black stil dress which only covers her knees. This dress perfectly fit with her body and makes her curves visible in a sexy way.

With open hair and simple elegant make up she looks stunning!!

A simple Dimond bracelet and a black pair of heels completed her looks.

Jungook forget to take breath

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Jungook forget to take breath.All time he have seen her with oversized tops, shorts and middy dress which camouflaged her perfect goddess like body with a school girls.

But today is different.This dress hugged her body curves like it's her second skin and presents her flawless goddess like body infront of everyone.

Her looks so pure and fresh yet she is  hella sexy He can't handle this much !

Why didn't you wear those I bought you?! Jungook try to keep his voice steady.

Don't worry! It's a branded one. And I won't look cheap. She said with scarcasm .

I didn't mean that. Jungook mumbles.

Whatever. She replied.

 With this she started to walking

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With this she started to walking.Her dress, accessories, hair and attitude seems new to jungook.

It's like she is the new person.With that confident she walked in, it's like she is born to be this kind of function.

They went inside the hall. There were a bunch of people who came to attend the banquet.

Jungook introduces tzuyu with some other head of another country.

You are a lucky young man! I envy you!!
She is such a Pretty lady. One older man said to jungook.

Jungook said thanks in a low voice with a smile.

Someone came to tzuyu and said , ma'am someone is calling you"

Plz, excuse me. With that she went there.

Jungook watched her going. There was a middle aged man. She went there and hugged him lightly!! And he kissed her cheek.

Jungook couldn't believe his eyes! How can someone be that desperate!! She came with me. I don't like how she talks with him! Why is she so happy ??
Why she has to smile that much?!

Jungook's eyes following her wherever she going with that man.He seems unmindful all the time!

Without knowing he was frowning!!

R you ok mr. Jungook?!  Someone asked.

Of course! Jungook is trying to be calm.

But inside, he doesn't know the feeling either! Only thing He knows he wants to hurt her badly !!

After sometimes, she came back and seated with him.While dinner time,she tried to talk with him. But he seems not interested.

After dinner, there was a slow music playing. Some of the guest was dancing with their partner.

Suddenly he offers her to dance! Without knowing anything she accepted.

While dancing tzuyu felt something off about jungook! But She doesn't know exactly what is this!

Sudden jungook pushes her against his chest,holding her waist! His grip was so tight that, tzuyu felt a burning sensation where jungook held her waist. His another hand threads through her hair!

Then his hand lingered at the hem of Tzuyu's dress! He caresses the texture of her dress!

A sudden shiver goes down from her spine!

What's wrong with you??!Tzuyu can't help but asked

You are hurting me, jungook!! She literally bites her lips to endure the pain!

Jungook just grins,said nothing.But he didn't loosen his grip!Holding her in a fierce manner, he said

You sure know how to please a man !!

What are you talking about? Jungook??! What do you mean?? Tzuyu seems confused.

Jungook didn't reply her.

May we leave now? I don't want this to continue. Tzuyu pleaded!

Jungook instantly held her hand and stomp off to outside of hall room!

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