17. "The Old Post office"

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No one's POV
Greenwich village, NYC

Tzuyu was feeling terrible since then. She thought about a lot! How can someone be that dumb!
That manner less jerk! It's not like that, she fell for him. But tzuyu feels little heartache whenever she thinks about him.

In her whole life she wasn't very interested to be in a relationship.She didn't even feel like that she needs someone who will care for her.

She has a loving family, her uncle, and also her friends who always make her feel Special! So she didn't even bother to be in relationship!

But that jerk has something special! She still doesn't know what is this but she somehow found him attractive!

Maybe his bunny smile or may be his pure brown eyes.Or his intense look.She doesn't know actually. All she knows that she was wrong!

And she was wrong,that thinks make her pathetic in her own eyes.That's why she wants a break from everything.

Now she is in her all time favourite "the old post office".It's a old home.Gustav lives here. And She is staying here for couple of days as their volunteer caretaker.That day, after that incident she rushed over to her home and immediately came here .

She didn't want to bother her family or uncle. That's why she came here. These elderly people felt something is wrong but didn't ask her any questions. Instead they are giving her the feeling she is not alone.

Now , she is working with a grandma in their flower garden. Both of them are happily chitchatting and making a bed for new ptants!

Gustav was drinking his coffee and sudden someone call tzuyu. She went to the hall room and attends the call.

He has already left. I already sent him the money you have given me, and about your parcel,my Korean language teacher went to Seoul I gave her the box and said to pass it to his office!

Tzuyu sighed and said , thanks sis. I owe you a lot.

It's nothing .just take care of yourself. You are the most precious to me. She wants to cheer her up.

With sad smile, tzuyu said bye Mina sis. I ll call you later.

Tzuyu was thinking something, she already knew what he did was horrible. And she will never forgive him.

but When Mina confirmed that he already left, without saying nothing or didn't even try to find her...
A small aches felt in her heart.

Like she can't properly breathe or can't even cry! She is unfamiliar with this kind of feelings!

Gustav noticed her sudden mood swing!
He waved his towards her. She said nothing just came to him with blank face!

What happen Juwi? Gustav sounds concerned!
Nothing, she tries to smile.Gustav patted her head.
You can tell me dear. Is it about that young man?

She was looking at the grass to avoid gustav's gaze. She instantly look up.How do you know? She didn't know she was that obvious!

Gustav started to laugh.Experience dear. I know he messed up.

But he is good in heart, I can tell you that.He is also confused about you. So don't rush. Just wait for the right time.

He is a mannerless jerk. I don't want him. I don't even want to face him in my whole life. I just hate him.Tzuyu pouts like a little girl.

Gustav started to laugh again.Do you know Juwi. You had some expectations that's why you are that angry! In his eyes I saw craziness for you you. It's not infatuation or temporary things.

So if you can, just follow your heart.Forgive him and let's see what destiny fixed for you you guys! Gustav said in low voice still patting Tzuyu's head.

Tzuyu didn't say anything just enjoying the warmth Gustav was giving her.

After sometimes she stated to feel good. As she got back to her previous self.

But in the evening she got a call from her uncle. He wanted her back to his office for urgent work!

So in the afternoon she was her uncle's office. Her dad was also there.

What happen? Why did you call me ?? What is the important things?? She charged her uncle.

And dad what about you? Uncle didn't tell me you will be here, too! She couldn't hide her surprise.

We want you to meet Someone.Juwi.
Mr j park said looking at his niece's !

Who are they? Papa? she asked him politely.

They are my friend and her wife! They are currently in a vacation in Hawaii. They are very close friends of mine. From junior high to university we were like brothers and his wife and your mom is also have a good relationship.

It's just that when we came here permanently, then you born. We were so busy in our life so we couldn't meet.But in those years our relationship remains same.

So Don't burdened yourself Juwi.It will be just a family dinner.

Just be prepared, We will meet them the after tomorrow. Mr j park tried to assure her niece.

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