20. "New face"

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Two months later
No one's POV

Jungook is working in his office. After coming back from USA, he couldn't forgive himself for what he did with Juwi. He couldn't even forget her for a second.

So, he started to work for more hour. And all time he got on all of his stuffs's nerves including jimin's!

Jimin got tired from his constant mood swings and irrelevant command over works !

There is another reason to stay in office is to avoid his mom and dad! They are also came back from vacation but both of them keep unbelievably silent .

Like they only asked him how was his vacation! That's it!

And he can sense something is fishy.he knows her mom very well. She is the nosy types! Always she wants to know all the details about him! But this time she just zipped her mouth!!

While he is working in his cabin, his father came in .
Did you check the new project file I sent to you? He looks serious.

Uhmm. Yeah.I already sorted this out.As it's a new clothing line,we need some good commercial. Jungook gave him his opinion.

I know,for this I wanted to hire a new model.His dad stated.

Why, dad? We have plenty of model who are very good at their work. Jungook said directly look into his dad's eyes.

I know our company is already that big,who will we hire it won't matter but this time I want to make it with fresh,new look.

Ok dad.I will tell jimin to contact top three model agencies and hire the fresh,new look. He intentionally emphasises those words! And he starts to lift his intercom dialling outside of his room!

I already Choose one. So you don't need to search another one. Mr jeon smilingly said.

Huh?! From when you are interested with model related matter?! Does mom know about this? He teases his dad!

From then you took interest in hiring escort! He dad teases him back .

Jungook chokes on his own saliva! Her eyes became big and they're like popping from the sockets !

How?? How do you know about this??! He tries very hard to keep his face normal! But it looks like he gulped down a fly!

That's why I am your dad! With mischievous smile he turned to leave Jungook's room!
But dad what you think it's not like that! I can explain..

By the way, she is coming tomorrow! Send jimin at airport sharp 10 pm. Cutted jungook of mr jeon winked at him.

Who will be the next model? Jungook bites his inner cheek and shake his head in confusion .

He always try to avoid these model related things. It's not like that he is afraid.It's just,while working with their company a very famous model try to be in relationship with him.

It's getting worse when she chased after him even in his office! She often sent flowers, movie tickets to his office and called him at night!

He is cold but not rude! So it was very bothersome for him. And lastly mr jeon sorted this out in his own way.

From then he always kept distance from model related things!

For this jimin is very suitable as he has a flower boy image! He can handle this kind of situation without gettiing it worse!

Thinking those incidents he called jimin,

Come on in my room.Now!

With that jungook cutted the call.In a minute jimin gets in.

Yess boss?! Jimin playfully asked to lift up jungook's mood!

Go to the airport tomorrow at sharp 10, you have to pick someone up. Jungook instructs him with frowning!

Why I have to go there?! There are plenty of people who can do that task happily! Why me?? Jimin starts to whine!

It's dad's order. Not mine! Jungook shows him his bunny smile to irritate him more!

Oh.Ok? Who's that great person? Jimin asks in serious tone.

I don't know either, some model and dad set those all up. Just collect her info from HR department! Jungook grabbed the pile of files.

Oh ! That's great ! Model and all! I will gladly follow your instructions! Jimin shows him a toothy grin!

Pervert! Jungook smirks!

By the way, did you get anything from USA?!
There is genuine concern in his eyes .

Jungook missed one of his heart beat! He gulpes hard to keep his voice steady .

Not yet. He said in blank face! With that he again concentrated in his work.

Jimin sighs and left his room.

Inside of him, jungook is feeling terrible! He doesn't want to remember her.

still her smile, her eyes, her face is always in his mind! Whenever he close his eyes he felt he hears her smile!

Will I get a chance to say sorry to you? Juwi??
I really want to ! I didn't want to lose you like this.

Closing his eyes,he placed his both hand behind his head! Then he open a drawer and bring some piceturs of her! Which he clicked when they were in USA!

Closing his eyes,he placed his both hand behind his head! Then he open a drawer and bring some piceturs of her! Which he clicked when they were in USA!

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While looking at those pics he felt terrible.

I deserve this pain. It's my fault that I lost her!
He felt disgusted towards himself!

It has been two moths since he came back to Seoul but there wasn't any single days in which he didn't look up those pics !

He cover his face with both of his palms to reduce his tiredness!

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