Chapter 32

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"Why is Kami so big on Halloween?" Ava asks, sifting through the racks of costumes.

"I think a lot of Sirens are," I say. "It's a pretty sexed-up holiday. But honestly, I think Kami loves any excuse to throw a party."

"So are you big on Halloween then?" she asks.

I've never been as interested in debauchery as others of my kind. Probably because I've made an effort to remain controlled and these celebrations are notoriously out of control.

"Eh," I say. "It's always been more of a human thing to me."

"Hmm," Ava says, her expression falling.

"What was that, love?" I ask, bringing my hand to the small of her back.

"Oh just... I guess you aren't much for humans usually."

I step behind her and nuzzle my face into her neck.

"I'm awfully fond of this one," I say.


"Something on your mind, love?"

"It's just," she says with a sigh. "Last night, Gabby asked me what kind of Immortal I was."

Of course, that's an incredibly inappropriate question to ask amongst Immortals, but Gabby has never had much of a filter—one of many reasons I can't stand her. I only tolerate her since she and Kami are close.

"I'm sorry," I say. "Gabby has no tact. She didn't mean to offend; that's just how she is."

"I mean, I don't have a problem with it I just... she said she knew I wasn't human because you're so anti-human."

Of bloody course she did. Fucking Gabrielle and her giant mouth.

"Love," I say. "I've never been anti-human, that's wrong. And human or Immortal, you're the most important being in the world to me. Never question that."

She looks up from the costume rack with wide eyes and a look that practically melts me.

Did she seriously doubt any of that for a moment?

If she only knew...

"I used to avoid getting involved with humans," I explain. "That part is true. But that's because of the complications that go along with that, the same ones you and I have discussed."

"Like trying to get your girlfriend to go bone the waiter?" she says with a smirk.

I let out a low growl and spin her toward me so my hands are now wrapped around her arse.

"Not funny, love," I say, giving her a small playful spank.

"Public, you perv," she scolds under her breath, pushing on my chest. "Behave."

"Whatever you say, mistress," I tease and she shoots me a glare.

She pulls a costume from the rack and shows it to me.

"Speaking of mistress..." she says.

The costume is a black catsuit with red tassels and a whip labeled 'Sexy Ringleader'.

"As ridiculous as that costume is," I say. "I wouldn't mind seeing you in it."

I wink and she blushes as she returns the costume to the rack.

"How sexy is this party supposed to be?" she asks.

"I mean, it's Kami." I shrug.

"So pretty sexy, then."

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