PART 14 | pirates

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Kennedy's P

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Kennedy's P.O.V

I'VE BEEN OUT on the waves for more than four hours.

I know, I know but as the saying goes, time flys by when your having fun.

"Kenji," Sage yells from out on the beach.

I start paddling in, it's weird hearing him call me that lately.

He must've walked here. It's not far.

"It's tea time, we're going to watch a movie too!" He yells again as I come closer.

I reach the shallows and slide off my board. As soon as I do, I instantly miss the rocking of the waves and cold refreshing splashes of the ocean tickling my feet.

Sage hands me my towel.

I lean the board against my side holding it with one hand, then I use the other to take the towel and quickly pat my body so it's not as wet.

Then I ruffle it against my darkened locks in attempt to dry it.

"What movie is it?" I ask Sage when I hand him back the towel and he flips it round his shoulders.

We begin walking, my board under my armpit.

"Pirates of the Caribbean."

I grin and my eyes brighten with excitement. "Yes!!!"

Back in Australia, it was all I would ever watch.  Correction, it was all me and him would ever watch. His tanned face and brown beach waves crossed my mind - I'd give anything to see him again.

Sage let out a small chuckle and I looked over at him, erasing him from my mind.

"Mum voted for Romeo and Juliet."

I gag, I cannot with Shakespeare. The only good part about that movie is that it stars Leonardo DiCaprio.

"What did you vote for?"

Our feet pad on the concrete road.

"Rush Hour 2," he kicks a pebble into a rain drain. "But I lost cause Dad voted for Pirates of the Caribbean and we all knew you'd vote for that one too."

I smile and use my free hand to lightly punch him in the shoulder. "Next time I guess."

We're silent for a few minutes.

Sage clears his throat, "I made a new friend today."

My ears perk up. "Ooh! What's his name?"

He shakes his head, "It's a girl."

I start laughing, "Its not that Amy girl is it?"

His face turns pink as he remembers the girl that was all over him in the halls this morning.

"No, no, no. Her names Meg Larkin and we have literally every class together."

I grin slyly. She may be a friend, and it's only our first day. But I think some one has a crush.

And trust me when I say that. I know when my little brother has a crush.

I stop walking and wait for him to turn around and walk back to me.

"What?" He said confused on why I stopped walking.

"So this Meg girl eh?"

He turns pink again and glances to his left. "Uh I don't understand?"

I giggle and walk up to him, slinging my free arm round his shoulders.

"You always glance to the left when I ask you 'bout a girl you like."

He blushes and I can tell he's biting the inside of his cheek. -Another way I can tell.

"I don't like her."

I sigh. Boys are so hard. Why can't they just admit they like a girl?

"Don't give me that, I know you like her."

"Ok fine, from what she's told me about her, I like her. And she's really pretty. Like really pretty."

I glance down at my fourteen year old brother. Damn he's growing up so fast.

"Well I made some friends today too."

I laugh to myself when I remember the lunch time we had together. "Michelle and Julie." I repeat their names to Sage.

He looks up at me, "Oh was one of them that girl you started dancing with on the cafeteria table?"

Now it's my turn to blush a little. I forgot the whole school shares the cafeteria.

God I can't believe my brother saw that.

"Don't tell mum. But yeah that was Michelle."

We reach our driveway and he pulls open the garage for me to place my surfboard on the table so it's ready for a wax next time.

After I place it on the table I turn around to see Sage with his arms crossed in a brotherly manner. "And who were those boys with you huh? I heard their the kings of the school."

I chuckle kings of the school. One of them is literally called King.


I walk out of the garage and up the small steps to the front door. "Sage, I absolutely despise them. Their egos are way to big for me."

His lips turn up in the corners. "I bet that'll change."

I furrow my brows. Huh?

Sage pushes me. "Just hurry up and get inside, I want to eat already."

We get inside and our parents don't ask any questions as Sage quickly sits down and shoves mouthfuls of lasagna into that huge pie hole.

I grab a baggy shirt from my room quickly and put it over my wet bikini and then I walk out to join my family.


My phone goes off from my bedside table. I quickly walk back into my bedroom to check it.

MICHELLE: 2morrow is 1st varsity
b-ball game of season. We're going.

She must've snuck her number into my phone while I wasn't looking. I don't mind though. At least I've made two friends.

KENNEDY: I was going to go anyways, the boys invited me. But why?

MICHELLE: Operation Julie & Jersey is why.

KENNEDY: Oooh count me in.

MICHELLE: Come over to 78 Flax Road with Julie 2morrow after school. We can pretend we're going to a movie.

I turn off my phone and head out to eat, all the while think of how Operation Julie and Jersey will turn out.

I've never played Cupid before and I'm sure this will also get us closer as friends.

A/n: Bro!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to hurry this up like Chapter 14 and we ain't got that far....

I'll try speed it up.

xcjkcx my now Pirates of the Caribbean buddy ahah

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