Sneaking out

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The air was cold hitting against Izzy skin, she didn't feel it though her heart was beating like a machine gun. However she knew it was cold, she could see her breath like fog in the air. She snuck out the institute though she thought this would be impossible, she could hear her heart banging in her head. Almost like a hammer hitting a bell.

Before she manage to get to the door to leave, she had to walk past Jace and Alec. Magnus was no where to be seen, walking past undetected proved difficult as Izzy heels made a clinking noise as she walked. As she turned she bumped into Magnus, Izzy took a couple of steps back "oh Magnus... sorry I didn't see you there" Magnus answered "clearly" he had a slight smile on his face "where are you going"? Magnus knee Izzy was a great liar so he was prepared.

The shadowhunter took a breath giving her enough time to come up with a answer "I um was just... going to take a walk, fresh air clear my head" she stuttered the words out. Magnus was about to question her until something caught his eyes, he noticed Izzy was carrying a small wooden box then he finally answered "Isobel" he took a breath "is that Simon's grace dirt" Izzy shocked at this realisation held onto the box tight "it is, I can use it to get him back Magnus and clary" Magnus moves by this agreed "okay, I'll turn a bling eye but shortly after you leave I'm telling Alec and Jace" Izzy smiled "thank you Magnus" Izzy touches his shoulder and she ran out the door.

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