The Switch

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The evening was cold Simon could tell, Mundanes walking past their breath realising a cold foggy mist.  Of course Simon couldn't feel temperatures, after all he was technically dead. He however could still taste Izzy blood on his lips. As he walked he had flash backs of what just happened, he kept seeing Izzy face her begging him not to bite her.
He disappeared down an ally away from preying eyes, as his emotions were trying to break through. Guilt, regret, pain he placed both of his hands up against a wall, screaming in pain as his Mark was burning him telling him off for trying to feel.

Though he removed himself from people, his screams were heard by a grown man "hey fellah, you alright?" The mundane had a bag of or groceries and glass bottle of red wine. Simon eyes immediately flashed opened " no I'm not alright" he staggered to his feet " i hurt someone I love and this feeling it's killing me" the mundane took a step forward "hey I'm sure if you apologise they will forgive you" Simon looked straight at him "it's not so simple, you see" he tilted his head "I bit her, and I drank her blood, something I promise I would never do and I broke it" the mundane now backing away, fear slowly floods his blood. Simon could smell it.
"You did what"? The mundane answered "I BIT HER"! Simon yelled at him taking a step forward "And the guilt it's eating me up inside and I need it to stop"! He shouted in a harsh tone. The man now trying to turn away suddenly stopped by Simon who vamped speeded to face him "hhho how did you do that" Simon now in front of him smiled "I'm a vampire, and I think you can help me"? Simon encanto (he compelled him) the mundane to stay where he was.
He questioned the mundane asking for his name "Edward" he answered with a fear to his tone "You see Edward I have this switch, which I used to have on all the time, and to no honest it was exhausting" He walked around the mundane whilst talking to him "then someone's helped me flipped the switch and release me" Simon still walking round the frightened mundane how was shaking like a leaf "but it keeps trying to flip back"
Simon now facing the mundane "so now I realised I need to rip the switch off the wall all together" he smiled at the man.
"Please just let me go, man" Simon just stared at him and his neck " No" he answered bluntly and grabbed his arms the bag of shopping feel to the ground. The glass bottle smashing spilling the red liquid everywhere.
Simon flashed his fangs and bit done upon the mundanes neck violently. The mundane screamed in pain, Simon twisting his fangs in all directions almost like twisting a blade causing more pain. Until the mundane screams feel silent as Simon snapped his neck with his bare hands. The man fell to the floor his blood still spilling mixing in with the red wine.
Simon stood there he eyes closed, the mark caused him pain no more. He opened his eyes and smiled "thank you Edward" he grinned down at the mundane who's face was frozen with fear. Simon picked up the wooden box and walked down the dark dead ally way.

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