Chapter Thirty

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~Amy's POV~

I'd used my quirk more than I ever had before. Even though it scared me, I'd promised Shinso I wouldn't give up. I pushed myself too hard the second day of training and ended up getting a severe nosebleed and fainting. Mr. Aizawa told me to take it easy on the third day. On the first night, when I finally found a place where I got phone reception, I realized I had over a hundred missed calls and texts from Dad. Mr. Aizawa was worried Dad might do something drastic and set aside time for me to call him every night for which I was grateful.

Class 1B joined us for our training and I recognized the boy who Shinso rescued me from the night we first met. I learned his name was Neito Monoma and his quirk allowed him the ability to borrow other people's quirks for a short time if he touched them. I gathered that was why he'd tried to touch me the night we first met. I was glad he didn't, my quirk was too unstable for me to deal with and I'd been living with it for years, I could hardly imagine what it would do to anyone else.

As I was helping everyone prepare lunch, I sensed someone approaching me from behind and spun around. My heart sank as I recognized the familiar blond with the smug look on his face, Neito Monoma. He outstretched his hand toward me like he had the first time we'd met. My body tensed and I took a step back. Quick as lightning not one, but two, hands shot toward him from either side stopping him in his tracks. I felt my heart begin to race in my chest as I spotted Bakugo and Todoroki shooting menacing scowls in Monoma's direction.

"What do you think you're doing?" Todoroki asked in his calm quiet voice, though I could detect a hint of irritation.

"Leave the crybaby alone if you know what's good for you." Bakugo growled.

"The princess sure does have a lot of annoying knights." Monoma noted and pulled away from them. He tried to fake them out and reach toward me again. I felt my stomach twist into unpleasant knots and heard a faint voice in the back of my head telling me not to let him touch me. My quirk would hurt him.

"NO!" I cried. My quirk acted reflexively shoving Monoma away from me. He slid halfway across camp, startling everyone. "S-sorry." My voice shook, "'s not safe..."

"Monoma, leave her alone!" The class rep from Class 1B, Itsuka Kendo, a pretty girl with long ginger hair, snapped at him. She acted more like a big sister to everyone and was constantly trying to keep Monoma in line.

Summoned by raised voices, Mr. Aizawa and the teacher of Class 1B, Mr. Kan decided to intervene. Mr. Aizawa noticed the marks in the ground where Monoma had been flung away from me by my quirk and deduced what had happened quickly. "I guess training hasn't been hard enough if you have the time and energy to still be trying to play around with your quirks during lunch." Mr. Aizawa said with a sinister edge to his voice, "we'll gladly make it tougher for you all."

There was a collective groan from everyone else at this.

"Great going, princess." Monoma rolled his eyes.

"It's your fault, idiot!" The majority of the students from both our classes snapped at him in unison.

"Were you trying to borrow Amelia's quirk?" Mr. Kan asked Monoma curiously.

"I was curious. She's afraid of it, is it really that powerful or is she just a weakling?" Monoma shot a cool look in my direction. All the girls from Class 1A glowered at him.

Mr. Aizawa looked thoughtful for a moment. He frowned and turned his gaze to me before activating his quirk. I felt as if a colossal weight had been lifted from me and was able to breathe easier and relax. For a split second, I felt free. His frown deepened and he dropped his hold on me causing my quirk to return and the great weight with it. It nearly knocked me off my feet. "I'd advise against it, it's too unstable." He threw a warning look at Monoma before giving me a pat on the head. "Finish your lunch and we'll get back to hell...I mean training..."

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