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Seungmin's P.O.V

After I made plans with Hyunjin, the week seemed to go by slower than any other week of my life. I was looking forward to our second meeting so much that I talked about it non-stop, which made my friends annoyed, but who cares.

All of the other employees on my floor knew that I had an admirer, because Hyunjin sent me a bouquet accompanied with a note counting down the days to our meeting, everyday. It was always the same bouquet, an assortment of pretty pink flowers. My coworkers all had bets on who the admirer was, but none of them could imagine who it was even in their wildest dreams.

My last week has felt like a dream. I would have never guessed that I would be getting pursued by the most gorgeous guy in Asia, especially not with the outfit I was wearing when we met. If he liked me in that outfit, he is gonna die when he sees me at our meeting.

I grabbed the bouquet that was on my desk, since I already had another on it, and packed my other stuff up to leave for the day. "Bye Jungkook!" I called to my coworker, who was currently "editing" a shoot of his for the hundredth time, but we both knew he was admiring the model, Kim Taehyung. He looked up from his computer for a second to give me a wave and a smile before going back to daydreaming about the gorgeous man on his screen.

I rolled my eyes at him, walking out and saying my goodbyes to the other people in the building. The bus pulled up to the bench I had been waiting on. I greeted the bus driver as I got on and out the money in the collection box. I threw my backpack down on a seat and sat down next to it, pulling out my phone to check my messages and I saw one from Hyunjin.

Hyunjin Oppa😉
Are you excited for tomorrow, cause I can't stop thinking about the fact that I get to see your gorgeous self again.

I felt my cheeks and ears heat up, as I typed a shy response, knowing that he was probably going to start flirting again. He did and I messaged him back and forth until the bus pulled up to the familiar stop. I stood up and walked down the bus aisle, thanking the driver as I stepped off.

The apartment I shared with my four roommates was a couple of blocks from the bus stop and I walked it on autopilot, having walked it a million times before. Before I knew it I was at my apartment door. I decided to knock, since my keys were at the bottom of my bag and my hands were full.

The door opened after I heard someone run and slide into the door with a muffled, "ouch". Felix was standing there wearing only boxers and rainbows knee socks, making me laugh at him. I walked in, shaking my head at the boy who was only a week older than me.

"What if it hadn't been me at the door, Lix?" I said with a chuckled and he just shrugged and walked to the fridge, searching for a snack. I followed him and set my bag on a stool and the bouquet in an empty vase on the counter. Then I plopped down in the other stool and layed my head atop my arms on the counter.

"More flowers from your lover boy?" Felix asked me teasingly and I hummed in response, causing him to giggle and dance around the kitchen. "When is my celebrity crush going to notice me? I mean look at me!" He said, gesturing to his almost naked body. "Do I not look twinky enough?"

I laughed and lifted my head just to shake it at him. He giggled again and then Jeongin walked into the room, and let out a groan. "Felix! Why do you never wear clothes!" Our younger friend whined, acting adorably innocent.

We both laughed at him and moved my bag aside, gesturing for him to sit by me. He sat down next to me and I threw my arm over his shoulders, pulling him closer with a dramatic sigh. "Felix, one day that triangle chin is going to get seduced by you, and he will be whipped. You might just have to wait...and maybe put on some more clothing, for our sake." I told him, making the boy under my arm laugh.

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