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Hyunjin's P.O.V

"Mmm, this is delicious!" I said with a mouth full of ramen. The other guys laughed at me as I finished off my bowl of food. "Hey, I was hungry! I worked up an appetite while doing the photoshoot." Seungmin laughed and rested his head on my shoulder cutely.

"So what else do you like doing when you aren't modeling?" The cute freckled one, Felix, asked, his deep voice still shocking despite having heard it earlier.

"I volunteer at the animal shelter, because I don't think I have enough time to have my own dog, and I hang out with my friends. Annoying Minnie is my new hobby, and I've always loved to dance." I said, mostly joking about the Minnie thing.

"You dance?!" Felix exclaimed, clasping his tiny hands together in excitement. "Minho and I dance too! We have been dancing since forever. Our mom and dad own a dance studio." Minho just nodded along, continuing to eat.

"Really? That's awesome, we should dance together some time." I suggested and Felix nodded very enthusiastically, while his brother hummed in approval. "What kind of dance do you guys do?" I asked them and Seungmin yawned, his eyes fluttering closed.

"I do hip hop mostly and I also do jazz. Also I have a black belt in taekwondo." His answer surprised me. His adorable and innocent disposition didn't match hip hop and martial arts, I would have guessed ballet, to be honest.

"I do ballet, modern dance, contemporary, lyrical, hip hop, ballroom and jazz." Minho said, fiddling with his fork like it was no big deal. "I'm in a company performing Cinderella. I'm the prince." He said nonchalantly, again acting like it wasn't incredibly hard to achieve that.

"That's incredible, Minho! Do you know how hard it is to get into a company? Not to mention how hard it is to be a principal dancer!" He just shrugged and continued to eat.

"Yeah, my big brother is pretty cool." Felix said, a proud smile on his pretty face as he slung his arm around Minho's shoulders. Minho rolled his eyes and shoved Felix' arm off of him. Felix pouted and laid his head on the table.

"Why dont we go sit in the living room?" I said and the guys nodded. Seungmin lifted his head and stretched his arms like a baby. He rubbed his eyes and I cooed at him, turning to wrap my arms around him.

I picked him up from his chair and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I started to carry him toward the living room and the other guys followed us. Plopping down on the couch, I took Seungminnie with me, setting him on my lap.

"So, how long have you guys known this precious bean?" I asked the three other boys. They had assembled themsleves on the couch across from the chair me and Min were in. Minnie had fallen back to sleep and was snoring softly on my shoulder.

"I met him in 7th grade, and then Minho met him when I brought Seungie over for a sleep over. We've been friends ever since." Minho just nodded along and it seemed like that was a regular occurrence around here.

"I met Seungminnie and Felix when I was a freshman in highschool. Some guys were picking on me for being feminine and then those two came along and beat them up. Well mostly Lix did the beating up, but Seungmin did help encourage him. After that they kind of adopted me, and now I'm here." Jeongin said, his big smile providing a smile to everyone in the room.

"Wow, well I'm glad to know that my baby has such good friends to look after him, and an awesome brother, too." I added the last part quickly, still very intimidated by Kim Woojin. They all glanced at each other and seemed to share silent words, leaving me confused, sitting in a chair rubbing Min's back.

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