Bonus Chapter 1

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A/N:Thank you sooooo much for 50k reads. That is so unreal! I will probably do at least 10 bonus chapters.

Seungmin's P.O.V

2 Years Later

"Lixieee!!" I whined, spinning around to find the aforementioned Australian. Felix walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders to ground me. He shooshed me and sat me back down in a chair, smoothing down my hair and trying to calm me down.

"You're fine, Seungmin. Do you need Woojin?" My bestfriend asked me, and I nodded quickly, causing Felix to rush out of the room, trying to find my big brother. The door flew open and I snapped my head up to see Jeongin standing there wearing his pink slacks, vest and bowtie with a white button up.

"Are you good?" Jeonginnie asked me in a soft tone. "Channie Hyung and the others are waiting with Hyunjin, Minnie. They're all waiting for you." He told me, reaching out to me and smoothing down my hair.

"I'm fine, I just can't help but feel that I don't deserve this. I'm not good enough for Jinnie!" I said, feeling tears prick my eyes. I looked up at Jeongin and then he squatted down, pulling me into a loose hug, being careful to not wrinkle my all white suit.

"You better stop with that nonsense!" Jeongin murmured in my ear, his hand moving on my back in a relaxing manner. "You deserve to be with someone who you love, and who loves you back, that will be with you through everything. That person is Hyunjin, Min. There is no person out there who loves you more than him."

Despite the maknae's words, I couldn't stop the thoughts from running through my mind. I had been feeling like this since Hyunjin proposed, but it just got worse as our wedding day approached. Of course my friends, and Hyunjin, had constantly tried to reassure me that I was good enough to be with Hyunjin, my mind just wouldn't accept it.

"Felix seemed really frantic, what's going on?" Woojin asked as he walked in the room. He was wearing the same clothes as Jeongin and Felix, since they were all my best men, and Minho, of course. "Is everything okay, Minnie? You're not having second thoughts are you?" My brother asked me, walking toward me and the maknae.

"No, of course not! I would have to be an idiot to not want to marry Hyunjinnie." I assured my teddy bear of a brother, standing up and walking to him. "We should go, right?" I asked Woojin and he nodded, gesturing for Jeongin to go ahead of us, telling him to get Minho and Felix to walk down the aisle.

"Let's do this." Woojin said, looping his arm in mine with a huge smile. I returned his grin and walked with him out of the dressing room. The three other boys were in front of us and they walked out to the venue ahead of us. I looked at Woojin to make sure he was ready and then we followed them when he nodded.

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