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6 Months Later

Seungmin's P.O.V

"Please don't leave!" Hyunjin whined, pulling me back down onto his couch. He had his arms wrapped tightly around my midsection, his head laying on my tummy. "Please?" He begged, pouting his already pouty lips at me.

"Hyunnie!" I said in exasperation, though there was still a smile on my lips. "You know that I have to go home at some point. All of my clothes and things are there." I told him, giving him a peck on the forehead.

"Then why don't you just bring your clothes here?" Hyunjin said, looking up at me, completely serious.

"Hyunjin..." I trailed, playing with his hair and staring down at him. "I don't know. I can't just leave the other guys! I've lived in that apartment for four years." I told him, making up excuses.

"Minnie." He said, sitting up with a knowing smile on his pretty face. "You know that Woojin already moved out and the other three spend practically all their time at their boyfriends' house." He said, cupping my cheek and looking at me sweetly. I blushed and tried to break eye contact.

"They only haven't moved out yet, because they dont want to force you out, baby." He said, nuzzling me and leaving kisses on my neck.

"That's not true!" I huffed, now taking over with the pouting. He looked at me with my eyebrows raised, making me recall recent events that backed up his words. "Whatever!" I said, crossing my arms and making him laugh at me.

"Come on, Minnie." He said, pulling me onto his lap. "Just move in with me." He said, kissing my shoulder. "Kkami misses her other dad when you're not here." He said, and Kkami yapped on queue as if she was agreeing with him.

"It will be cheaper for you, and you can spend every night." He said, winking at the last part. My face reddened at his less that appropriate insinuation and I hid my face in his neck. He took that as an invitation to suck a hickey onto my now vulnerable neck, making me laugh and squirm on his lap.

"Fine, but you have to help me get my stuff." I told him and he stood up abruptly, picking me up with him. He cheered and spun me around with him, making Kkami go crazy with her little barks. "Put me down, you crazy rat!" I said through my giggles, playfully hitting his solid back.

"Ok, ok." He said,putting me on the floor. I walked over to Kkami, bending over to pick her up. I felt a hand squeeze my but and I squealed, jumping into the air a little with Kkami. I turned to glare at Hyunjin and he smirked at me, moving to stand behind me, running his hands up and down my body.

"Hyunnie, aren't we supposed to be moving me in?" I gasped out, my eyes fluttering closed and my head laying back against his shoulder as his hands wandered to a certain place. He kissed my neck and I could feel his smirk against the sensitive skin.

"That can wait." He said and I whimpered when he nibbled on my neck. "Why don't you put Kkami down and I can show you what room you'll be staying in." He murmured against my ear, not really planning on giving me a house tour.


"Felix, can please stop making out with Changbin for five seconds and go get the rest of your plushies out of our old room?" Minho said, his tone sounding very annoyed. His younger brother climbed off of Changbin's lap and rolled his eyes, pulling his shorter  boyfriend with him to his room.

"Hyunnie?" I asked and my boyfriend responded with a hum, walking over to me. "Can you help me carry out my last box?" I asked him, making puppy eyes at him, knowing that he would've said yes without me begging.

"Of course precious." He said, kissing the top of my head and following me as I walked to my old room. When I got into my room a wave of sadness came over me when I saw the room completely empty. This was only the second time I had seen it like this, the first one being when we moved in.

This was the only place I had lived since my parents had died. Woojin had to work three jobs to afford it, even after the Lee brothers moved in with us. When Woojin moved out, I tried not to think about it, still not ready to move on from that part of my life.

"God, it's terrible to see it like this." I whispered, just loud enough for Hyunjin to here me from right behind me. He wrapped himself around me as tears began to fall from my eyes. "I don't want to leave this behind." I said between cries, turning around to sob into his chest.

"Baby." He cooed, stroking my back, trying to soothe my cries. "I know that it's hard, but it had to happen eventually, and it's best not to drag it out." He said, using his other hand to pat my hair.

"I know, Hyunnie, but I'm just really emotionally attached to this place." I told him, running my hand along the light blue wall, walking toward the last boxes that contained all of my worldly possessions. "Let's just get out of here and turn in our key." I told him and he nodded, bending down and picking up the huge box with ease.

I took a moment to look at Hyunjin's muscles, spacing out for a good minute. "Ahem." Hyunjin cleared his throat with a smirk and made me blush. "Why don't we head downstairs?" He teased and I nodded, walking out of my room.

I took a last look around the main area of the apartment, the bare state of the rooms making numerous memories take over my mind. Those memory included the time Felix got a bucket stuck on his head, when Jeongin first moved in, the crazy party we had when Minho got into the dance company. A smile stayed on my face as tears fell down my cheeks. Don't ask what emotions caused the tears, because I couldn't tell you.

That was the last time I was in that apartment. I don't think that was necessarily a bad thing, despite what I thought at first. Living with Hyunjin wasn't a hard transition, seeing as I had been basically living there for the past 6 and a half months. It was significantly better than sharing a small apartment with 4 other boys, and I even got my own office/dark room.

Hyunjin made me breakfast almost every morning, and we commuted together almost everyday. I didn't have to worry about any bullying at work or in public, since Hyunjin was very powerful in the industry. It also helped that I had my own tiny Australian body guard.

A/N:I'm not quite sure how to end this, so I guess this is the end.

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