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A/N:This book has 200+ votes and is #1 in Changlix? That's crazy! Thank you!

Seungmin's P.O.V

"Well, do the rest of you guys want to start a movie?" Hyunjin asked, pulling me over to the chair when they all nodded. Hyunjin sat in the big chair, pulling me onto his lap. "What should we watch?" He asked and the other guys started shouting suggestions.

"Frozen?" Binnie offered and Chan groaned.

"We always watch that!" Chan complained before offering an idea of his own. "Let's watch The Conjuring!" He said, his eyes widening with excitement.

"No, I hate horror movies!" Felix whined, crossing his arms and pouting. "I'll have nightmares for weeks!" He said, shivering just thinking about it.

"Will you watch it if I hold you?" Changbin Hyung asked, opening his arms. Felix thought about it for a minute and then nodded, scooting over to Changbin warily. Changbin grabbed the taller boy and pulled him onto his lap, making Felix yelp at the sudden action.

"I'm scared of horror movies, too." Jeongin said, looking so innocent and childlike. "Can you hold me, Channie Hyung?" He asked, using the most precious and convincing puppy eyes.

"Anything for you, Innie." Chan said, looking at Jeongin in the most whipped way possible. Jeongin cheered and clapped his hands together, his big smile revealing his braces. Then Jeongin scooted over next to Chan, making him self comfy between the oldest's legs.

"Now that all of the bottoms have a top to protect them, can we please start the movie?" Hyunjin asked sassily, making everyone blush and glare at him. I hit him and sent him a glare, but my glare dissipated when Hyunjin kissed my cheek.

Hyunjin started the movie and we all got sucked in. I wasn't a huge fan of horror movies, but I definitely wasn't as easily scared as my other two friends. Every time there was a jump scare or anything creepy at all, I would hear two little screams and then the other two guys trying to calm the younger boys.

Halfway through the movie, Felix fell asleep in the crook of Changbin's neck and started to snore softly. Changbin just smiled and the boy and snuggled him closer, moving Lixeu into a more comfortable position on his lap. I watched Changbin with a smile, but that didn't mean I wouldn't kick his short ass if he ever hurt my bestfriend.

The movie continued to play, and a particularly scary scene came on that made even me jump. I assumed that Jeonginnie had fallen asleep when there were no screams at the scary parts. I glanced over to confirm my theory and saw something that, despite the horror movie that was playing, made me coo and fanboy silently.

Jeongin was asleep with his head in Chan's lap, and the older guy was staring down at him in awe. I watched at Chan Hyung began to play with Jeongin's hair, seeming to be completely absorbed by the sleeping maknae. Chan leaned down and kissed Jeongin's forehead, causing the sleeping boy to smile in his sleep.

If it were anyone else, I would have doubted their unconsciousness, but I knew Innie well enough to know that he was 100% asleep. When Chan saw the smile on that Jeongin had plastered on his face, a similar one appeared on Chan's face, two dimples showing up in his pale cheeks.

I returned my attention to the movie but started feeling sleepy soon after. My eyelids seemed to be weighted and I was struggling to keep them open as I laid on Hyunjin's lap. I gave up and let my eyes flutter shut and the steady rise and fall of the beautiful boy's chest lulled me into a dreamless sleep.

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