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Seungmin's P.O.V

I, along with all of my coworkers from my floor, was very confused when another employee came to get me. She said that a model had specifically asked for me and then I wasn't confused. The only model that knew my name and had enough power to pick who dis his shots was none other than the gorgeous Hwang Hyunjin.

I smiled to myself and stood, feeling everyone's eyes on me. Mingyu sent me a weird look from his desk, which was right next to mine, and I just shrugged at him, pretending to be as oblivious as he was. As I followed the girl everyone whispered about me and I cursed the employee for speaking so loudly. Not that Mingyu and his big mouth wouldn't have told everyone anyways.

I chuckled to myself and the girl looked back at me weirdly, making me feel embarrassed. She probably thought I was crazy, just laughing to myself like that. We walked into a room that was buzzing with chatter, but as soon as the occupants saw me, their voices ceased. My feet suddenly caught my interest and I stared at them, feeling extremely awkward and not welcome.

"Is he here yet?" I heard a familiar voice cry out in an unfamiliar tone. I quickly rushed to the door the voice came from, not even bothering to knock before busting in. The people in the big room for the photoshoot gasped, shocked by my actions.

"Yes, I'm here." I said quietly and Hyunjin whipped his head around at the sound of my voice. My eyes widened when I saw the state he was in and I promptly shut the door behind me, not wanting any of the nosy crew members to see him like this. He looked like a mess, and it was extremely different than how he usually looked, but it only made me even softer for him.

"Minnie baby." He said and I rushed over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kneeling in front of his chair. I nuzzled my head against his hard abdomen, forgetting all about the other man in the room at the moment until he cleared his throat.

The man, who looked to be 3 or 4 years older than us, had an amused expression on his face and I looked at Hyunjin who just glared at him. My anxiety lessened when I noticed how comfortable Hyunjin was around him. "Let's hurry and get you cleaned up for the shoot, okay?" He said, smiling at Hyunjin in a way similar to how Woojin looked at me and the other boys we lived with.

"Okay, but she's gone right?" Hyunjin whispered, the last part but I still heard it. I pretended that I didn't, though, knowing that it was none of my business and Hyunjin didn't want me knowing about it. The older man nodded and Hyunjin released a sigh of relief, his body seeming to relax a little.

"I have to go prepare, but I'll see you out there, okay?" I murmured against his stomach and he cupped my cheek, bringing my forehead up to meet his lips. I blushed and pulled away, scurrying out of the room as Hyunjin chuckled.


"Thank you for today." Hyunjin murmured, looking a little bit embarrassed. The expression seemed foreign on his normally smiling face and it made me feel sad. I wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked with a big grin on my face.

"I should be the one thanking you." He looked at me weirdly, so elaborated. "Most new photographers only get to do stupid tasks and things, maybe if they're lucky they would get to shoot a lesser known model. They never get to shoot someone as famous as you, especially not twice!" I told him.

"Then how did you get the first shoot assigned to you?" He asked me, with another weird look.

"That was a gift for me." I said with a small laugh. "It was originally assigned to my friend, Jungkook, but he wanted to photograph the model I was assigned to, so he got our shoots switched." I explained and Hyunjin laughed.

"Really? I'll have to thank him then. He allowed me to meet my future husband. " Hyunjin said with a smug look and I blushed as he pulled me closer to him as we walked out of the building together, me hiding my face in his shoulder. When we got outside we were greeted by a smiling face that I wasn't expecting to see here.

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