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Hyunjin's P.O.V

The next morning I opened my eyes to see Seungmin asleep next to me, looking beautiful as always. He rolled over and the blanket fell away, revealing his bare chest, a spattering of hickeys decorating the pale skin. I blushed and looked away, getting shy remembering why he was undressed.

I shoved my blanket off and stood up, being quiet so my baby could sleep longer. I tiptoed over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and threw them on. After deciding I couldn't be bothered to wear a shirt, I tiptoed out to the kitchen.

Since Minnie was still asleep, I decided to make up us both some pancakes for breakfast. I gathered up all the ingredients and then looked up a recipe, not wanting the food to be gross. After I mixed the batter, I started to pour some on the pan.

I flipped the first batch and then put them on the plate. By then, I fell into a routine, flipping them and taking them off the griddle. Before I knew it, I had finished up all the batter, and had a cartoon worthy stack on pancakes on the plate.

I heard footsteps coming from down the hall and then Seungmin appeared from around the corner. I couldn't help but coo when I saw him. He had messy hair, sticking in every direction and he was wearing my button up from last night, the buttons all wrong.

He was able to look sexy at the same time though. My shirt went just past his butt, his baby blue boxers peaking out from the bottom. His neck was littered with hickeys, that I knew trailed down his torso. My eyes raked his body, pausing to glance at his smooth and slender thighs, that had bruises and hickeys as well.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat, blushing and looking away, smiling slightly at my work. "I made some pancakes." I said and he nodded cutely, starting to come toward me. He had a slight limp, which made a huge smirk inhabit my face as we sat at the counter on the stools.

"How are you doing?" I asked him, glancing down at his ass so he knew what I was referring to. His face turned bright red and he covered his face with his hand, his other hand reaching over to shove me off my stool. "Just wanted to make sure I didn't do any serious damage." I smirked.

"Shut up!" Seungmin squealed cutely. I finished up my food, staring at Minnie the whole time. As soon as I finished eating, as if on cue, Kkami started to whine. I walked over to the pen and picked her up, booping her on the snout with my finger. She stuck her tongue out and licked my finger.


After Seungmin had finished eating, he showered and borrowed some of my clothes. My manager, Sungjin, called an emergency meeting, so I had to have a chauffeur escort Minnie to work. I hopped in my car and hurried to the management company that my manager worked for.

"Hyunjin..." Sungjin said when I entered his office. He watched with a wary look on his face, and I narrowed my eyes at him weirdly. "You and your little boy are all over the news, but not just for your win." He said, turning his computer monitor around to show me all of the gossip site reports.

"Shit!" I cursed, reading all the headlines. Hwang Hyunjin's Sugar Baby. Who Is Hwang Hyunjin's new "friend"? JYP Magazine Employee Spotted Getting Cozy With Model Heang Hyunjin At An Award Ceremony. Photographer Seduced Hyunjin To Get a Boost In His Career!

There were all sorts of pictures of us at the award ceremony. Some of them were from when Seungmin fell and I caught him. There was one of me staring at him with heart eyes and even one of us hugging and one of us holding hands. Just as I was about to speak, a new article popped up and I clicked on it.

The title was JYP Magazine Employee, Kim Seungmin Went Home With Model, Hwang Hyunjin, After an Award Ceremony Last Night And Was Seen Walking With a Limp Today. I growled and slammed my hand on the desk in frustration. "We've got to do something about this! I can't have Seungminnie in harm's way. My reputation is the least of my worries."

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