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A/N:Because I reached 12K READS I decided to update twice today.

Seungmin's P.O.V

"I think I have murderous urges too often." Felix said out of nowhere, making me and Changbin laugh at his odd words. "Or maybe my friends just get beat up too often." He shrugged and I pretended to be offended while Changbin snorted.

The doorbell rang and I tried to get up to get it, but was immediately sat back down by my freckled bestfriend. I sat there pouting, and Kkami came over to cheer me up. Changbin answered the door and Jisung walked in like he owned, pushing Changbin out of his way. Well, actually Jisung limped in like he owned the place, which didn't surprise me, especially when Minho trailed in behind him.

Changbin shut the door with a roll of his eyes and walked back over. He plopped down on Felix's lap, which seemed to surprise Jisung. Felix latched his arms around Binnie's waist and giggled, hugging his boyfriend with a huge grin. I smiled at how cute my bestfriend was and him and Changbin talked to each other using aegyo only.

My phone rang and Hyunjin's name appeared on my screen. Felix's eyes got wide when he saw what Hyunjin was in my phone as, but I waved at him dismissively. I slid the answer icon and held my phone to my ear.

"Hey Minnie." He said and I greeted him back. "Is it okay if people know we're together?" He asked me in a serious, yet calm voice. I hummed in response, answering his question with a yes."Okay, well turn on the news channel." He said, and quickly hung up. I stared at my phone with a confused look, and shrugged when friends asked what happened.

"Hyunjinnie told me to turn on the news." I told them, and Jisung grabbed the remote from the coffee table, throwing his feet up on it after. I scoffed at how comfortable he made himself in Hyunjin's house and rolled my eyes.

I laid down on the couch, resting my head on Minho's lap. Jisung didn't seem to like that very much, but he had no reason to be jealous, because Minho was basically mine, Innie's and Felix's brother. Jisung turned on the TV, but was still pouting. Minho noticed that Jisung was unhappy and wrapped an arm around the smaller boy's shoulder

The TV flickered on and Jisung changed it to the channel Hyunjin told us to. The screen switched over, and Hyunjin was on the screen, standing behind a podium with microphones for various news stations on it. He was surrounded by reporters were shouting and asking him all sorts of questions.

His manager, Sungjin, stepped forward and spoke, getting everyone to quiet down. Then he stepped aside for Hyunjin, who was looking just as cute as always. Hyunjin stepped forward and cleared his throat, leaning down a bit so the microphones would pick up his voice.

"Today I'm here to address the rumors and reports that have been going around about me and Kim Seungmin." He said, looking at the camera as the reporters started to whisper. "It is true that I partnered up with Seungmin for a photography contest, after I met him at his workplace, JYP Magazine." Hyunjin said, his voice sounding very professional.

"I know that is not all you want to know, so I will continue. While working together, our feelings toward one another grew into something more than colleagues, and then more than friends. We started to hang out not just for work, and then I asked him to be my boyfriend." Hyunjin then frowned as he looked down at the note his manager had passed him.

"Another thing people have been talking about is him using me to gain experience and advance in his career, which isn't true at all. The last thing I want to talk about is the abuse my boyfriend had recieved because of his affiliation to me. He had been attacked twice since he started hanging out with me, and I want to be sure that won't happen ever again. To keep that from happening I am asking for people to respect our privacy and not go to his work."

Hyunjin looked very solemn and cold standing there alone and I wanted to give him a hug. He thanked everyone for their courtesy and cooperation, and asked for questions. Every single reporter's hand shot up and he called on a few and replied to their inquiries with very concise answers. Jisung shut the TV off and they all turned to me, so I just shrugged.

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