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Seungmin's P.O.V

"Let's do this Minnie!" Hyunjin said, offering me his hand from outside of the car. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me out onto the red carpet.  Cameras flashed all around and blinded me, causing me to trip. Just as I was about to become the meme of the year, Hyunjin caught me in your classic cliche romance movie dip.

I heard a bunch of women squeal and cameras started to shutter more furiously. Hyunjin pulled me to his side and whispered in my ear. "I thought I already told you to he careful, so you don't fall for anyone else." I turned bright red and hoped that my make up would help cover it at least a little bit.

"Let's go find our seats." Hyunjin said, interlocking our arms and leading me down the carpet. He stopped for a little while at the end, being a total pro. After a couple minutes of posing for various cameras, he led me to the usher who pointed to the table we would sit at.

When we got to the table I was extremely pleased by our table mates.  Sitting to our left were Taehyung and Jungkook, who had entered a documentary for that category. On our right were Mingyu and the three stars of his short film, Wonwoo, Soonyoung and Jihoon. I sat and greeted the table happily, wishing them all luck in there categories.

The host of the show began to speak, talking about the history of the contest and how pleased he was about the amount of entries had been submitted this year. I glanced around the huge venue, noticing just how many people there were in there. I glanced back as he started to speak again, calling out the person who was announcing the first award.

Hyunjin's P.O.V

I sat next to Seungmin, just enjoying listening to him talk to his coworkers. He was so friendly and polite, and I could tell why his friends loved him so much. The document award was about to be announced and Minnie's crazy muscular friend, Jungkook, and his gorgeous star, Taehyjng, were on the edge of their seats.

The host announced the winner and it was Jungkook, who jumped up and grabbed Taehyung's face. He smashed his lips onto those belonging to the other very surprised boy, whose eyes widened, but his lips moved against the other's. Everyone in the crowd cheered and gasped as they were shown on the big screen. They walked up to the stage, Jungkook looking super happy with himself and Taehyung looking like he had seen a ghost.

They came back and sat down and then the host moved on to the next category. Seungmin and I congratulated them on their win, and the award, as we waited for it to be the photography award winner to be announced. Seungmin and Taehyung were giggling while Jungkook and Mingyu chatted happily, which I had expected since Min had told me they were best friends.

I was completely distracted until I heard my name called followed by Seungmin's. I stood up and looked around confusedly while people all around cheered and Wonwoo clapped me on the back in congratulations. I turned to Seungmin and wrapped him in a super tight hug, pulling him against me and whispering how proud of him I was in his ear.

I let him go, but kept my arm wrapped around his shoulder, walking both of us up to the stage. Seungmin took the award from the host and stepped toward the mic as the host stepped away. He started to give a speech, but I spaced out. My eyes were glued to Seungmin's beautiful face as he talked, his eyes huge and full of joy and amazement.

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