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I got in my Uber, making sure he was the right guy before letting him take me.

"The hospital? You feeling okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah- yeah" I lied.

"I just have family there, I haven't seen them in a little over a month."

I had never been happier to see a hospital.

I wanted to run into the building, but instead I acted calm and tipped the driver before slowly entering the building.

Find the guys.

I went to Michaels office


I knocked, no one answered.

I went to Luke's office, no one was there.

As I walked to Ashton's, I heard a page announced over the speaker.

"All head departments are needed in the ER"

I guess I could wait a little longer.

I sat in a chair in the lobby, fighting my tiredness.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail, rubbing my face slowly.

"Harper?" I heard a voice speak.

I looked, seeing Tyler.

I flung myself into his arms.

"Oh my god- michael told me your mom forced you to go home and you never texted me back-  thought you hated me." He breathed out into my shoulder

"They took everything from me." I spoke in one breath.

"They pretty much disowned me and kicked me out, I've been living in a women's shelter for the past months and working at a coffee shop for enough money to fly here because I couldn't get in contact with any of the guys." I told him, not letting him go.

"Come on, come to my moms room- she's been missing you."

His mom showered me in hugs and apologies on my mom and dads behalf.

It was sad that other people felt the need to apologize for my parents actions.

"Do you have any of my clothes here by chance-" "of course." His mom smiled, nodding to Tyler, who immediately opened a drawer, handing me my favorite sweatpants and one of my random t shirt.

I showered, changing and brushing my hair out, braiding it quickly.

"You've lost weight." Tyler spoke as I finished my second braid, glancing to him.

"Turns out, eating on a low budget isn't great." I managed to laugh, but he didn't even smile, which made me hug him again.

"Okay- where can I find Michael?"

Tyler and I walked through multiple halls until we found ourselves near the area that I had bone marrow removed.

"The OR board says he's in this OR." Tyler told me as we stood outside a door.

I knew we weren't supposed to be here.

I glanced through the window, seeing michael and I couldn't help but smile.

I knew I couldn't go in, but I was fighting the urge.


I glanced around the OR as I watched michael get close to the point of closing.

I had done my part, I was just waiting to leave with him.

I looked to the door, seeing a head.

As I focused harder, that head looked awfully familiar.

My angel.

I immediately started walking to the door

"Luke, something wrong?" Michael asked.

"No, no" I lied, knowing if I told him that she was out here- he'd drop everything to turn and look.

"Just give me a minute." I walked out.

I opened the door, not hesitating to grab her and hug her tighter than ever.

"Oh my god" I spoke out, feeling her hold me tightly, feeling her crying into me.

"Harper- where the hell have you been?" I pulled away, holding her face and wiping her tears.

"They kicked me out and took everything from me- I had no way of contacting you guys, I had to sleep in a shelter and get a job at a coffee shop to get the money to come here." She cried out.

And it hit me

She was never the one texting Michael the words that killed him daily

Instead, she was working her ass off to get back to us.

"Come on, you can't see Michael until he's done with surgery, but I know two other happy men that will be over the moon excited to see you,"

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