Chapter One - Mudbloods and Marauders

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I don't even know what to say. I.. I'm at a loss for words. My best friend, my brother, the person I would trust with my life just, just said that. But he's right. Severus Snape is always right. I am just a mudblood. A freak at home, a mudblood in school...hell, why would anyone like me? I have three great friends whom I don't deserve; Marlene McKinnon, Alice Prewett and Mary MacDonald. They're trying their best to comfort me right now but I'm a mess. I've just stayed in my bed for five hours now crying. I'm weak, I know. No need to remind me. What's worse is we have our transfiguration OWL in exactly...11 hours. And I still need to sleep. Fuck. I've just wasted hours of good revision time being weak. I need to get over it. The girls just headed down to the common room to start studying, which I should probably start doing soon as well.

I've decided to stop crying, to stop caring. It's his fault, not mine. It's him and his little deatheater friends. Godric, I hate the lot of them. Alexander Avery, eugh there's no word foul enough to describe him. Leonardo Zabini, the 'handsome prince' of Slytherin who all the Slytherin girls fawn over. Lucius Malfoy, the 'King' of Slytherin, lording it over everyone that his father's rich, and if anyone puts a toe out of line, he ALWAYS says 'my father will hear about this'. Pathetic. Speaking of pathetic, you must meet Narcissa Black. Follows around after Lucius like some lost puppy. Unlike most of the Slytherins, she doesn't seem to be evil, just a complete and utter bitch. Her sister Bellatrix on the other hand is the definition of evil. Bellatrix Black is evil incarnate. She struts around, taunting anyone and everyone. Everyone says that she's already a deatheater, and, if I'm being honest it's not that hard to believe. Bellatrix would steal your soul, take your life and drive your mind into insanity if she could. She makes me sick. Narcissa and Lucius are sixth years but, unfortunately for me, Avery, Zabini, Bellatrix and Snape are all in my year. Yippee! I may as well just die now because eventually they will kill me.

After pondering ways to annoy the Slytherins, I take a look in the mirror. Oh Merlin, I look awful. No, worse than awful. Oh fuck it, I give up. There's no use trying to make myself look in anyway presentable right now. I'll have bloodshot eyes tomorrow but at this point who cares? I NEED to revise for Transfiguration. It doesn't help that this is my worst subject, and that I need it to become a healer and that it's taught by Professor McGonagall, who is like the strictest teacher in school. Oh no, I'm done for aren't I? I've barely even revised for it - I spent all my time yesterday preparing for Defence Against the Dark Arts. Shit, I've been in such a state, I haven't even gone over that exam! Lily, stop! You're getting off track. Transfiguration. Focus on Transfiguration. It's the last exam and....oh bugger, who's that knocking on our door at this time. I'm the only one in the room at the moment so I take one last look in the mirror and try my best to fix my hair in case it's a teacher. I open the door, anticipating either a first year who wants to talk (because I'm a prefect, I get this a lot) or a teacher. I did not expect it to be Potter. Potter! What's he doing here? He figured out how to get up the girls stairs a long time ago. The only thing I'm confused about is why he is standing at my door looking sheepish.

I'll give you a little bit of background information about my relationship with Potter. James Potter is the most arrogant, self - centered, annoying, mean person in the entire world and he annoys, teases and makes fun of me at least twice a day by asking me out. And no, it's not because he likes me! He just does it to humiliate me. I mean, come on! He's asked me out everyday for the past three years. HAHAHA! The joke's not funny anymore. I just wish that he would fucking leave me alone! Yet here he is, standing outside my dormitory asking whether or not he can come in. There's something about his tone that makes me think that maybe he isn't here to ask me out so I decide to be the bigger person and allow him to come in.

"What do you want" I ask him in an impatient tone. I may have let him come in, but that doesn't mean that I like or want him standing in the middle of my bloody dorm. "I um..I guess I wantedtocomeandapologize." he says, saying the last bit so fast that I could barely make it out. "What?" I ask, more curious than impatient this time. "I wanted," he pauses, taking a deep breath, "to come and apologize.". I was in shock. Potter never apologized to anyone, let alone me. And what was he even apologizing for? He has asked me out everyday since third year, so what makes today any different. I raise an eyebrow. It's a cool trick that my dad taught me last summer. I think Potter sees my look and answers the questions that it gave out. "I wanted to apologize for provoking Sniv...I mean Snape." he corrects, after seeing my look. "Look Evans, I'm really sorry. I provoked him. Shit, I really shouldn't have done that. I really hope that you can forgive me.". Wow. He was actually sorry. If I couldn't see his face I would have thought this was just another one of his jokes. But there was something about that look on his face that made me believe him. And, was he seriously apologizing for THAT! That was, for once, not his fault. It was Snape's. He never should have called me that word. We've been drifting apart for a while now so I guess I should have known it was coming. He calls every other muggleborn 'mudblood', why should I be any different? If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'm actually grateful that Potter was a complete prick today and provoked him. It made me realise that Snape just isn't the same boy that I met at the park when I was nine. He isn't the same boy who told me all about magic. He isn't the same boy who said me being a muggleborn didn't matter. He's changed. I miss him. I miss my childhood best friend but it's time to move on.

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