Chapter Nine - Girls Night and the First Full Moon

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As I finish chapter ten of 'Northanger Abbey', my emptied flask of hot chocolate sitting abandoned on the coffee table, I set down the book and tiredly head up to my room. James came out of the bathroom a while ago, and went straight up to his room. I slowly ascend the spiral stairs leading to my bedroom, and when I enter I immediately trudge over to my big, comfortable bed and lay down on it. Ugh, this is the most cosy, snug, pleasant bed ever! I am so, so lucky! I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the soft white pillow, and I dream about last night's shenanigans...

"Lily! Lily!" someone shouts, knocking on my door. "Wake up!". I begrudgingly open my eyes, and moan a tiny bit at being woken up from a delightful, peaceful sleep. "It's half - past five so I was wondering if you wanted any dinner?" the voice that I have only just recognised as James' shouts. it really half five already? Merlin, I've been asleep for over four hours! The thought of dinner makes me realise the hunger currently burning in my stomach, and so I reply "Yes, thanks! I'll be out in a second!". I quickly get changed into sweatpants, slippers and a hoodie, and also pack a small bag containing a few essentials for Girls Night tonight, which will probably begin straight after dinner. I find James at the bottom of the stairs, kindly waiting for me. "Thanks for waking me up!" I say, smiling at him. "No worries! I just woke up myself! Anyways, what are friends for?". I smile even more at this part - it sounds good to hear him say that we're friends.

We leave the common room together, and as we do I ask, "How is it that we never became friends before James?". He chuckles, "Because I was an arrogant, ignorant, bullying toerag.". Oh my Merlin! I actually totally forgot that he used to be like that. "Can I ask you something?" at this he nods, and I continue, "What happened to that James - you know, the James I despised? Don't get me wrong, I like this James much better, but what happened?". He shrugs his shoulders, and sighs "I guess I just grew up, matured. I realised that I was a total dick to you, Snape and so many other people. I shouldn't have been like that. I'm so sorry Lil!". I smile at him, "That's really great James! And you've already apologized! And anyways, it wasn't like our rivalry was totally one-sided - I fought back with some pretty cruel insults, and I'm sorry too. Perhaps I was a little bit too harsh!". He sniggers at this, and I join in, laughing and reminiscing about the many insults I've thrown his way over the years. We continue laughing together until we reach the Great Hall and join the rest of our friends.

As James and I take our seats, I notice a little bit of a difference in Marly and Sirius' relationship. They're sitting really close together, and he has his arm nestled around her, and she's lightly leaning in to him. Hmmmm..... Also, I notice that Remus isn't at dinner - he probably is just getting some sleep before tonight, or maybe he's already at the Whomping Willow - the place I know he goes to transform. I really feel bad for Remus - he has to go through hell every single month, and some people even have the audacity to be prejudiced against him! It's not right! Ali, Pete and Mar are eating hungrily - we all had a late breakfast but completely skipped lunch so we're pretty damn hungry! James sits down besides me and nudges me slightly. I look at him and he nods his head in Marly and Sirius' direction. "Are they together or something?" he asks in a whisper, and I shrug. "No clue! They sure are acting like it though!" I whisper back. I look up to where Ali is sitting, and notice that Frank Longbottom has sat down beside her and they're talking animatedly. Oh my Merlin - these girls have a lot of explaining to do tonight! As soon as we finish our dinner (I just had some sausages with potatoes, peas and carrots) the girls and I head to Gryffindor Tower to begin Girls Night and the boys go back to the Head's common room. I summon the small bag containing some Girls Night essentials that I packed earlier from my bedroom and walk upstairs to meet the Fat Lady. Marly says the password ('Propugnatores') and we all enter.

Me and the girls quickly make our way across the busy Gryffindor common room, and pass many confused first years and a couple of third years playing a competitive game of Wizard's chess. We quickly ascend the stairs and enter the seventh year girls' dorm. Thankfully, there are two dorms for the seventh year girls in Gryffindor Tower, and we have this one to ourselves. It's really strange, being in this dormitory again. My bed has been removed and some decorations have changed slightly, but other than that it is the exact same as when I last saw it. Almost as soon as we walk in, Marly pulls out a bottle of Prosecco.....

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