t w en t y - n i n e

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AN// i really really liked writing this chapter so i hope you guys like reading it :) ive been doing really well this like term for school and im really proud because ive worked really hard :) i hope you all are doing well xx

(y/n pov)

"You ready already?" you asked, walking out of the shower. He looked up from his phone.

"You look nice," he said. You smoothed out your dress, hair still up from your quick shower and make up undone. "And, yes? What's taking you so long?"

"Give me ten minutes." He laid back down.

"An hour it is." You rolled your eyes and got to work. And just because he'd said that you rushed yourself to be done in fifteen minutes. You walked out with your flats dangling from your fingers and purse on your shoulder. He looked up. "Wow." He checked his watch

"Yeah, let's go," you said with a laugh. He shook his head and got up, brushing out and straightening his dress pants.

"Oh," he paused at the dresser. He picked up the fabric. "Tie or no tie?" You thought.

"Tie," you said with a nod, dropping your shoes to walk over.

You stood on your toes to tie it for him and tightened it. "There."

"Thank you," he said with a smile.

"Maybe it's time you learned to do that yourself," you said with a smile, heading down the stairs behind him. He chuckled.

"Oh, I know how now; I just want you to do it."

You head back to E's backyard a drive and a stop for flowers later to greet Cameron with a hug and congratulations. "How come we didn't get to plan it?" Gray asked.

"We have a bigger backyard too," you pointed out. She smiled and laughed as E ran by.

"Food's here!" he yelled, running into the house. Gray went to go help him and you talked with Cameron for a bit, smiling as Lisa walked by to join you.

"Food's over on the table!" you heard someone yell once he had it all set up. Gray nodded his head at you and you nodded back, the two of you heading over for a cupcake or two.

Elle scurried up to you, in her own little dress and Gray picked her up. "Cupcake, pumpkin?" She nodded and he let her have a bite of his. "Yummy?"

"Yum!" You laughed as you wiped some icing off of her nose with a napkin. You threw the napkin away as e/w joined you. 

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked. You nodded, following her into the house. 

"Everything okay?" you asked, worried. She nodded. 

"Can you do me a small favour?" You nodded quickly. "Can you get me a pregnancy test?" You smiled.

"Are you--"

"I'm not sure, but I can't leave right now and I don't wanna tell E just ye--" You nodded, cutting her off.

"Of course, do you want me to wait 'till after?" She gave you a small smile.

"I really want to know." You laughed. "You can ask Gray--"

"No, no." You didn't want Gray to start thinking about you like that-- you weren't ready for all of that with him. She nodded and you pointed back. "I'm gonna get my keys and I'll go get you a test, okay?"

"If anyone asks I'll tell them you've gone to get, like, napkins or something." You laughed and nodded and she hugged you. "Thank you, y/n."

"Of course."

wrong one//g.dWhere stories live. Discover now