t h i r t y - t w o

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AN// hey guys. i just wanted to say something real quick because its been on my mind. i mean i dont know really know. i love to write, and i will continue to do so but its just like, everything on here, like my follower count and like my reads have just plateaued. and let me just say: i am so thankful for where i am and how much ive improved and holy heck all of the friends ive made. im so happy with all of that  and the numbers truly dont mean anything. but that being said, with like all of that, its like a motivation boost in a way? to see people reading and voting and commenting? and when things just kind stopped once i said i wont be writing for the twins, it just really sucked. because everyones like they love my work, they think im so talented, but they only want to see fanfiction. i dont know, i guess a part of me hoped that everyone would read my other stuff too. and there's just been so much plagiarism as of recent with my dad imagines and its the worst thing ever to see people take your work and pass it as their own. i dont know guys, i just feel like ive already peaked on here so now im just writing uselessly. its okay, i guess. i love to write and there are a few of you who love all of my work regardless and  for that, i want to say thank you. i love you all so much.

(y/n pov)

"Good morning," you said, coming down the stairs. Gray looked up from his phone but didnt say anything as he looked back down. "Good morning?" you asked again.

"Hm." He didn't say anything.

As if the idea of valentine's day wasn't awkward enough.

"Okay," you mumbled to yourself, going to make coffee. He didn't say anything as he shifted on his stool, leg crossed over the other, ankle at the knee, as he sipped on his coffee. "Do you have work today?" you asked, trying to make conversation.


"Any plans?" you asked with a smile. He looked up at you for a moment.

"Why do you care?" your eyebrows raised, taken aback. "Fuck off, y/n."

"Wha-- what?" you asked, confused. "Gray?"

He shook his head, getting off of the stool and heading up the stairs. You watched him go up, a sick feeling in your stomach. You stared at your coffee as you picked it up, ready to drink it.

You headed up a little while later after he'd gone and come back home from work, thinking maybe he'd just gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe there was bad news from wakeheart or something? You let him cool down as you headed up.

"Gray?" you asked, knocking as you walked in. He was in the bathroom and you headed over, finding the door open as he rummaged through the drawers under your sink. You raised your eyebrows as he turned.

His eyes were a little red as he looked at you. You opened your mouth to ask if he'd been crying before he spoke. "Are you cheating on me?" Your eyes widened as you took a step back.

"What the fuck?"

"Are you," he paused, "cheating on me?" You stared at him.

"Grayson, I married you," you said with a frown. He did nothing but blink. "Why the fuck would you think that?"

"Just be honest, y/n, did you--"

"Jesus Christ, Gray, what kind of person do you think I am?" you asked, now angry. "What the fu--"

"I don't know, y/n, we're fucked up as is--"

"What do you mean we-"

"Whatever you call this relationship; being my wife and still liking my broth--"

"Grayson, what the fuck is your problem?" you asked. "You're the one that keeps messing shit up by bringing that up every time we argu--"

"You're the one who fucking cheated on me!" he yelled. You stared, letting out a sigh.

wrong one//g.dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن