t h i r t y - f o u r

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(y/n pov)

"She's asleep," Gray said, passing her over to e/w. She sighed, taking the toddler from him.

"Okay, I'll just change her outfit while she sleeps-- less fuss." You smiled, nodding. "You wanna come?" she asked you. You smiled.


"Lisa's in the living room," she saidout to Gray. He smiled, heading in as you headed up with her. "How was it?" E/W asked you as you dropped into the rocking chair in Elle's room. She laid Elle down on her bed as she headed to the closet to retrieve her birthday outfit.

"Shopping?" you asked. E/W nodded. "It was okay, we got some groceries first; we just went to target."

"Groceries." You sighed.

"Yeah, Gray went yesterday but only picked up almond milk?" you asked, quickly realizing how stupid that sounded. You were mad over almost nothing. "So we got some stuff today." She laughed.

"Oh, E does that all the time," she sighed, shaking her head, pulling a dress over Elle's head as she tried to turn away. "He'll be late to get home, but think it's so smart to go all the way to the store to just pick up one thing." You looked down.


"And then he has to go back anyway the next day, or I have to go," she laughed softly, shaking her head. "Idiots."

"Yeah," you said quietly. She looked over.

"You okay?" You looked up and nodded quickly, pointing at Elle, who was now waking up. "Oh hello," e/w cooed.


"Hey there," she whispered. "You wanna stand so I can get your dress on?" she asked her daugter.

"Bir-day?" she asked, standing, a hand on e/w's shoulder as she raised a leg. "Dress?"

"Mhm, you look so pretty," you said. She looked up at you with tired eyes. You smiled. "Wow, Elle."

"Y/NN pretty too," she whispered. You smiled.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"Daddy?" Elle asked. E/W laughed as she pulled the leggings up completely.

"Why do you always need him, huh?" she asked. "He's getting everything set up for you downstairs." She frowned as e/w began combing through her hair. She pushed her arm away.

"Mama," she whined. E/W sighed.

"Come on, don't you wanna look pretty?" Elle frowned trying to get off of her bed. E/W sighed as she ran to you, reaching for you. You pulled her into your lap. "Elle."

"Stop it, mama." You smiled.

"Can I do it?" you asked the toddler. She turned to look up at you. She frowned. "You can brush my hair after," you said with a smile.


"Mhm, you can do my hair-- it'll be like dress up."

"'Kay," she said. E/W's jaw dropped.

"That's all I have to do?" she asked, handing you the comb. You laughed. "I just have to offer to let her do my hair?" You began to comb through Elle's hair-- though she did whine quite a bit.

"Apparently so." E/W shook her head as she tossed you a bow. Elle kept it in her lap as you pulled a little bit of her hair up into a ponytail. You smiled as she held it back for you. "Thank you," you said.

"Welcome!" You smiled as you tied her hair, failing and having to reattempt.

E/W watched you for a moment before turning to put Elle's clothes away. "Hey, y/n?" she asked, clearing her throat a little. You looked up as you tried to tie her hair up.

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