t h i r t y

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AN// hey guys! before you read, i just wanted to ask you all a question :) if you follow me then you've probably already seen this but im writing an essay for my math class and my topic is like the relationship between coffee and sleep (: so im doing like a little survey kinda thing and collecting data from here. so id really really appreciate it if you could just like comment or pm me the number of coffees you drink per day and the number of hours of sleep you get? id really really appreciate it, my loves. thank you <3

UPDATE: HI GUYS if you're reading this now, i'd like to let you know that i'm done the essay and just got my results back!!! i did well and got the mark i hoped for so thank you sososo much for your input <3 i just thought i'd put that in here becuase people have still been responding xx

(y/n pov)

"Good morning," you said as he pushed himself up. You looked over your laptop screen with a smile. "Sleep well?"

"My neck," he grumbled, rubbing his face, hair sticking up every which way. You smiled as he stood, stretching his arms. "Did I sleep here?"

"We both did," you said with a smile. "You didn't wanna get off of me so I just left us here." He frowned, staring at the couch. You smiled.

"Coffee?" he asked. You pushed your mug over and he stumbled over to take it. He took a sip and sat down, yawning. "Did you sleep well?" he asked. You nodded, shrugging.

"Pretty okay, yeah." You yawned, as you tightened your ponytail.

"Sorry for not getting up," he mumbled, running his hands over his face. You shook your head and gave him a smile. "Did you get dressed too?"

"I have a meeting in, like, two minutes," you said, pointing at the computer. His eyes widened as he remembered. "Top half of me is ready." He ducked under that counter and laughed to see you still wearing pyjama bottoms.

"Okay, I'll leave you be?" You nodded as he left the kitchen-- taking your mug with him.

"Thank you," you said. He smiled, shaking his head. You pressed the link and waited for it to start connecting when you felt a kiss to your cheek.

"I forgot to say good morning."

He left again and you smiled as your meeting began. You did your work, talking as you needed to, responding as you needed to. You wrote down the date of your meeting in person, just as you'd predicted, and held up your notebook as Gray came down, dressed to work out.

"What's that?" he mouthed. You pointed at the date and he frowned, coming up in front of your laptop. You muted yourself as a few other people talked. "Date that I have that meeting." He nodded and smiled.

"I'll book flights for a few days before or something too." He smiled, turning back to see the date. "Hey, a week before Christmas." You raised your eyebrows.

"Oh," you said with a nod. "Yeah." He smiled.

"That's nice, we can go back for Christmas too, then." You nodded and sighed, stretching your arms. "Meeting over?"

"Almost." You put a finger to your lips before unmuting yourself to carry on.

Your meeting ended soon and he presented you with a bowl of cereal just as you shut your laptop. "Thank you," you sighed, taking it.

"Mhm." You ate in silence and your phone rang. Eyebrows raised, you answered.

"Good morning," you said with a smile.

"Hey, y/n." You chewed. "It was negative." You smiled.

"Awh." E/W sighed. "Are you trying?" you asked.

wrong one//g.dOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant