e p i l o g u e

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(y/n pov)

You set her down on the pillow carefully before slowly laying down next to her, head propped on your elbow.

A hand resting on her stomach, you drummed your fingers softly, watching her breath in and out, your hand rising and falling in rhythm as she breathed. Her head tilted away and faced Gray's side of the bed as you brushed your fingers through the soft curls she had atop her head, the same colour as Gray's locks.

She let out a huff of breath as the front door downstairs opened, shutting quietly. You smiled as she turned her head in her sleep back to face you. You kissed her head and held her close.

You heard no noise from Gray after the door shut, him trying his hardest not to make any noise as he headed up the stairs. He opened the door and slipped in, shutting it quietly as he turned. "Hey," you whispered. He turned and grinned. He'd left his keys downstairs to avoid it making noise, and made sure as he patted his pockets.

"Hey," he whispered, kneeling on his side of the bed as he peered down at his daughter, loosening his tie. "Hey, angel," he whispered, sitting down, knee folding beneath him. You smiled as you sat up a little.

"How'd it go?" you asked. He looked up at you from her, his hand replacing yours on her stomach as he smoothed out her little onesie.

"It was okay," he whispered. "No more, I promise." You shook your head and smiled. "I texted you, but I don't think you saw it." You reached back for your phone.

"Oh shoot," you mumbled. He smiled.

"Too caught up with her?" You nodded and smiled. "It's okay," he whispered. He looked up at you and you gave him a small smile before leaning over to press your lips to his. He smiled as you pulled away. "I wanna hold her," he mumbled.

You moved away as he scooped her up, her teeny little body barely the length of his forearm at just a week old. You smiled as he cradled her close to him. "She's so fragile," you whispered.

He hummed in response and rocked her for a moment as he looked down at her. "So tiny." You smiled. "Who knew a guy like me could've helped make an angel like her?"

"Gray," you whispered with a soft laugh. He smiled, leaning against the headboard as he held her close.

She began to squirm a little, sighing softly before her eyes opened fully, blinking up at him. "Hey," he whispered. "It's me."

Her hands curled up into little fists as she blinked at him, smiling with her toothless grin before starting to whine. "Yeah, I thought so," you whispered as Gray gave her back to you. "Time to eat?" you asked her.

Gray chuckled as he stood, stretching his arms, shirt coming untucked out of his pants. He let out a sigh as he dropped his arms down, watching you feed her. "Do you need anything?" he asked. You shook your head.

"Have you eaten dinner?" he shook his head and you smiled. "Go shower, I'll get you--"

"No, no," he whispered. "I can do it, you stay in bed."

He came out of the shower, really quickly, that is, and joined you on the bed, just tying his sweats up as he sat. "That was fast," you whispered. He chuckled as you passed her right over.

"Didn't want her to miss me too much." He held her up to his chest, her head facing you as he kissed to top of her head. "I love you," he whispered.

You smiled, tilting your head. He raised his eyebrows at you. "What?" you asked.

"I don't get it back?" You smiled.

"That was for me?" He grinned and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I love you too, Gray."

He laid down and by now, she was fast asleep on his chest, fists curled up by her sides. "Everything is perfect right now," he whispered as you laid next to him. You looked up.


"You, me, her," he whispered. "This is how it should always be." You smiled, sitting up again as you ran a hand through his hair. "I love you so fucking much, y/n." You laughed softly.

"Watch your language." He chuckled, looking back down at her as you started to get out of bed. "What would you like to eat?"

"Nothing," he mumbled, pulling at your arm. You looked down as he locked your fingers, pulling you back to him.

"You haven't eaten dinner," you whispered, sitting back down next to him.

"I'm not hungry, sweetheart," he whispered. You sighed, shaking your head. "Let's go to bed."

"It's only eight," you said with a soft laugh. He grinned as you laid down.

"Who cares?"

"You okay?" you asked. "You seem a littl-e-" you paused, trying to find a word. "Dazed."

"Yeah?" he asked. He shrugged as she turned her head. His hand splayed across her back, in fear of her rolling off of him or something.


"I don't know," he whispered. "I'm really happy," he whispered. "Right now, this second, if it were like this forever, I'd be so happy."

"Yeah?" you asked. You thought for a second, looking down at him and your daughter for a moment. "Me too."

He looked up at you and you sat up completely, back against the headboard as he shuffled over slowly, head on your thigh, the baby still on his chest. "If only it were always like this," he whispered. You ran a hand through his hair and looked down.


"If only we were always like this." You gave him a small smile as you played with the ends of his hair, the baby on his chest's fists clenching and unclenching. He grinned, taking one of her fists between his thumb and forefinger, looking up at you. "Y/N," he whispered.

You smiled as he rested her fist back and returned his hand to her back with his other. "I wish we were always like this too," you whispered, looking down. He nodded and he reached one of his arms back, giving you his hand. You played with his fingers and then his wedding band. "We were all over the place," you whispered.

"Hm." You kissed his knuckles and he smiled. "Everything happens for a reason, baby." You nodded.

"I guess so." She shifted again, her mouth moving as she turned her head. Gray hummed and moved her further up his chest. He kissed her head. He ran his hand over the back of her head, feeling the teeny little hairs she had growing. "I love you," you whispered. Gray looked up.


You nodded. "I love you," you said again. He nodded and brought his hand back from you, taking yours with it as he kissed your hand. You smiled as he looked up at you, lips still on your skin as he chuckled softly. You laughed too and took your hand back.

"I'm glad things happened the way they did," he whispered. "Because if they hadn't, we wouldn't be here, right now." You bent down and kissed him on the lips, long and hard, upside down.

"Then I wouldn't have it any other way."

wrong one//g.dOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora