f i f t y - t h r e e

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(y/n pov)

"Hello," you whispered, poking your head in. Gray looked up from his desk and gave you a small smile. "Did I get you at a good time?"

"Not exactly," he sighed. You stepped in, closing the door behind you as he pulled a sheet towards him to sign. "How do you like it?" he asked, looking around as you did the same.

"Very lovely," you whispered, walking around to where he was sitting. He rolled out of his desk a little and spread his arms for you to go hug him. You leaned down to press a kiss to his temple before pulling away. "Did you eat?" you asked. He nodded.

"I did, yeah-- you?" You nodded and held up the cups of coffee you'd brought. "Thank you," he mumbled as you set one in front of him.

"Everything okay?" you asked, leaning over to see what he was doing. He didn't look up at you, staring at his papers until you rubbed his shoulder.

"We're doing really badly," he whispered. You frowned. You watched a tear fall onto his signature the pen smearing a bit.

"Oh, Gray," you whispered, turning him to face you. You hugged him around the neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you, still sitting. "It's okay."

"I was away for a week and this happens," he mumbles, gesturing to his desk as if that was a valid explanation.

"What happened, baby?"

"This-- I shouldn't have gone." You rubbed his shoulder as he pulled away, wiping at his nose.

"Gone where?"

"On the trip." He rolled back into his chair and you frowned. "Whatever."

"What-- but it was our honeymoon," you pointed out. He let out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hands through his hair, tugging at it. "Gray," you sighed.

"It's just--" he stopped and shook his head. "We shouldn't have gone."

"Gray." You took a step back and frowned. He didn't turn to look back at you. "That's not fair."

"I know, if we'd just stayed, this wouldn't--"

"No, Gray, not fair to me." He turned. "We were gonna go for our one year-- you can't just say we shouldn't have gone when we planned it befo--"

"Well maybe we should've gone back when people do go on their honeymoons," he said. You crossed your arms over your chest.

"The situation was--"

"Your fault, naturally." Your arms dropped. "If you'd just fucking accepted what it was for what it was back then, we wouldn't have had to--"

"What do you mean, accept it for what it was-- they just threw us a wedding and you slid a ring on my finger!"

"And that's what marriage fucking is, y/n!" You stared at him. "Just because you were fucking jealous of e/w and all over Ethan didn't mean you had to ruin my fucking marriage too!" Your eyes watered.

"I didn't mean to ruin your life, Grayson, but I'm glad to now know that now," you mumbled. "You piece of shit."

"Fuck it, y/n," Gray mumbled. He didn't mean those things. Any of it. And you both knew that. But when you started yelling at each other, everything was said.

"I really thought we were getting better, you know?" you asked, grabbing your purse back off of his chair.

"Guess not," he muttered, opening up a file on his desk. You stared at him. "I have thi--"

"You always put wor--"

"You guys ok--" The door opened and E popped his head in. You frowned and looked away from him, quickly wiping st your eyes. "Y/N?"

wrong one//g.dWhere stories live. Discover now