Chapter 34 - An Affair

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Nora/Elisa's POV

"Grandmother?" I whisper as I fastened my pace towards her.

"Elisa!" She smiles as she rises to her feet and embraces me.

"Granny! How have you been?" I ask as I take a seat opposite her.

"I'm meant to be asking you that Honey, how are you? I can't believe you didn't tell me this since. I would have taught that Aria a lesson" she frowns, her fists clenched in anger.

"Calm down granny" I sigh as I place my hands on her clenched fists.

"Tell me Elisa, What really happened? Why are you here? What did you do? I really want to know" Her face, filled with concern.

I just kept silent, trying to figure out how I should explain what happened to her. If only I had money, I would have been able to defend myself in court, I wouldn't be locked up like a criminal in here. Everything that happened was completely accidental, but I couldn't prove my innocence. Aria however did everything in her power to make sure I rot in jail. Up till this day, I still remember her promise, the promise she made to me when she was in the hospital.

I will be your worst nightmare.

"Elisa! Are you okay? Talk to me, Why are you here? What did they charge you for?"

"Attempted murder" I whispered, my grandma stiffened.

"What?! Are you joking with me or what? You can never do such a thing. Why would they....I don't understand...I.....please explain" she cries and I couldn't hold back my tears either.

"It was all an accident" my lips begin to quiver. "I am innocent, I didn't.....I didn't want it to happen"

"You killed someone?" She gasps, her eyes now wide as saucers.

"No....I didn't....I...I didn't...I don't know what happened granny. It all happened in the Stein's Company."

"Isn't that Aria's husband's?" With realization clear in her eyes, she gasps again, this time taking her hands away from mine. "You killed Aria's husband?.......No! You can't do that-"

"Grandma please listen. Hear me out" I sigh as I wipe away a tear from my left eye. She nods as she leads closer, giving me her full concentration.

"Aria and I had a argument. I didn't know we were standing close to the stairs. she attacked me....she was hitting me, so in other to defend myself, I.....I pushed her hard....she fell down the flight of steps.....and....and she" I swallow hard, trying to rid the lump in my throat. "She lost her baby...I swear I had no idea she was pregnant, grandma"

"Oh" her shoulders slump. She stays quiet for a while, like she was thinking about something.

"So she sent you to jail for trying to kill her?"

I nodded.

"This....argument you two had, what was it about that made her so mad at you? I know you two were really close and she loved you so much, I don't think losing her baby alone could make her send you to jail, although I know that's the...worst thing that can ever happen to a woman. So tell me, why did you both fight?"

My heart stopped. I can't tell her the truth...I cannot do that.
If she finds out I was still seeing Alexander, she would get so mad.


No. No. No.
What to do? What do I tell her? How on earth should I explain that to her

"Elisa talk to me"

"It... was.....can we not talk about it?"
She gently cups my hands.

"Elisa, I really need to know the full truth. If you don't tell me, how am I to help you get out of here"

Can she get me out of here?
I doubt it. We don't have that much money.

"Grandma....we don't have that much money" I replied.
Her grip on my hands weaken as a look of sadness cross her features.

"I will find a way darling. Please tell me"

I stay silent.

She opens her mouth to talk again, but I beat her to it.

"Promise you will not judge me grandma?" I bit my lower lip to stop me from crying.

"What have you done child" she looks at me, fear boldly written on her face.

"Promise me. Please?"

"Fine. I promise"

"That?" I ask, just to be sure.

"I won't judge you"

I sigh.
I can do this. I inhale and exhale.

"I was having an affair with Alexander" I finally say.
I spilled the beans

My grandma's hands slowly retreat from mine.

"Wh..which Alexander?" She asks, giving me 'don't say what I think' look.

"Alexander Stein" Her body visibly goes weak.


"What kind of affair?" She asks, still trying to understand the situation, thereby making it hard for me to keep calm.
Saying it out loud makes me feel like a slut
I still remember how all the new papers carried it, how it was trending on social media platforms.


"An affair....outside marriage"

"My God! Elisa!"

"Grandma please"

"How could you betray your best friend like that?"

"You promised not to judge me" I cry.

"But I didn't promise not to get angry." She rises to her feet. "I can't believe you kept on seeing that boy even when I said you shouldn't! I even moved you out from Florida all the way to New York just for your safety! So you would stop seeing that boy, but you disregarded my instructions now look where that got you!" She yells

"Grandma, you're causing a scene"

"Is everything okay here?" A warden walks towards us.

"Yes. It's fine" Granny answers, the warden walks away. "I am not going to judge you, but I am really disappointed in you. As much as I hate what you did, I have to fix this mess"

She picks up her bag, leaving one on the table.
"What's this"

"Your meal. You look so..... lean. I'll see you soon" she reluctantly kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry"I mutter, but she hears it. She just spares me a look and walks away.
Tears fall from my eyes as I watch her retreating figure.
She looks so stressed and older since I'd last seen her.

Aria's POV

"That happened? Who was that lady?" Carl asks me.

"She is Nora's grandmother" I reply in a low voice, which was cause by crying my eyes out.

"What did she want?"
I stay quiet for a moment, thinking about the whole thing.

"She just wanted to embarrass and humiliate me. I can't believe she supports her grand daughter's actions." I scoff.

"So do you really want to miss Riley's Wedding for this? I mean, remembering the past and every thing you moved n from?"
I give it a thought.
Is this worth missing Riley's wedding?

"I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world" I smiled

"She has been stressing herself, thinking if you'll show up or not"

My mouth answers the question for me.
"No. I can't miss Riley's big day for anything. I promised her that"

"Let's go then." He starts the engine.


She stops.

"Thank you for everything" I smile, he smiles back.

"It's nothing, just know I'll always be there for you"

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