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Thomas's Pov:
While the gang and I were watching I got tagged on a post on instagram of Kayla and some dude kissing. I broke down crying and everyone was so confused but before they could ask me anything I walked out of the house and into my car just sitting there while I cried.

Mia's Pov:
Once Thomas walked out I decided to follow him so I walked out of the house and then I saw him crying in his car so I approached the car and knocked on his window. He looked up and then down but rolled down his window.
M: Hey what's wrong.
T: Um can we not talk here please..
He was looked down so I agreed so I took him inside and into the guest bedroom.

Nobody's Pov:
They talked about Kayla cheating on him while Mia hugged him as he cried until it became quiet. She soon noticed he has fallen asleep and layed him down on the bed then walked back into the living room where everyone was trying to figure out on what happened to Thomas.

Mia's Pov:
When I came out everyone started asking me what happened but all I said was Thomas is heartbroken and will tell them when he's ready but for now to let him sleep. I was sitting in the living room while everyone went to get some food but soon Thomas came out of the room and I got scared for a second because I forgot Thomas was here.
M: How you feeling?
T: Still heartbroken but its okay and thanks for that.
M: No problem Thomas wanna watch something?
T: Sure but where are the others?
M: They went to get food.
T: Okay.

Nobody's Pov:
They watched some Riverdale as they waited for the others to come back soon everyone was back and we all ate In-N-Out while watching Alex's newest vlog but soon Thomas decided he wanted to go home. But before he left told the gang what happened and lets say no one was happy Alex offered him to stay the night but he said he was going to break up with her. After he left we cleaned up but Kouvr and Mia went on a quick Target run for some stuff they needed.

Thomas's Pov:
I left Alex's house and drove back to my apartment but I was thinking about Mia and how beautiful her eyes are or how adorable her laugh is and I didn't even notice how big I was smiling. Once I got home there was a car I didn't recognized so I just thought it was one of her friends. But when I walked inside I heard grunts and moans coming from my room so I went and followed the sound and I couldn't believe my eyes.
K: Babe its not what it looks like!
K: Babe please calm down...
K: No baby please.
I started packing all my clothes but she tried to stop me but I didn't care and once I got everything in my car I drove off. I decided on going back to Alex's and hoping Mia was there because she was the only one I wanted talk to right now. So I pulled up to his house and knocked on the door and he answered.
A: Hey you ok?
T: Y-y-yeah is Mia here..
A: She just went with Kouvr to Target they should be back soon.
T: O-o-okay can we talk.
A: Sure.
I told the guys what happened and I was still crying and I couldn't stop so they tried to comfort me but nothing helped. Until I heard her laugh that laugh could make me smile Mia's beautiful laugh as she was walked into the house it stopped once she saw me and Kouvr looked pissed like she was about to jump someone. Mia came over and hugged me and soon enough I slowly calmed down.
T: Mia can we talk...
M: Sure lets go to the guest bedroom.
T: Okay....
As we were walking into the room I heard the others talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

With the others:
A: How can someone be so cruel.
K: I don't know but when I see her I won't hesitate to swing.
Pa: Yeah he don't deserve to be treated like that.
Ca: No one should ever have to go through that.
A: Hey guys is it me or have you seen the way he looks at Mia.
K: Alex he just broke up with his ex why are you focused on that.
Ca: I agree with Kouv but he does look at Mia differently like he likes her or something.
R: I bet you they will end up dating.
K: Ok but did you see the way he looked at her as she walked in laughing.
Tb: righttt.

End of this chapter I know it still sucks but I am getting better.
Word count: 860

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